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Old 10-11-2012, 02:54 PM
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Charlie Francis Season One Scenes Survivor - Part One

Last person to break the tie: Amy


Scene 3

OLIVIA: Charlie. Did you get me in to see William Bell?
CHARLIE: Massive Dynamics isn't exactly being forthcoming or courteous. And apparently
William Bell is out of the country for the next two weeks.
OLIVIA: What's this?
CHARLIE: A sweet little memo from their General Council.
OLIVIA: So Bell doesn't want to talk?
CHARLIE: Or he's just being the head of a 50 billion dollar corporation.
OLIVIA: Screw this! I want to drive a tank through William Bell's office and find out what he knows.
CHARLIE: I know you do, but I'm here to tell you the bad news. It's going to be another 48
hours till we get a court order.
WALTER: You should probably strip to your underwear.
WALTER: Hello.
CHARLIE: What the hell was that?
OLIVIA: Charlie, we don't have 24 hours. I need you to get to Bell. If Walter fails,
Bell could be the only one to save us.
CHARLIE: Olivia, what's happening here? You've cleared all this with Broyles?
OLIVIA: Somewhat.
CHARLIE: Somewhat doesn't sound good.
CHARLIE: Is that a cow?
OLIVIA: Yeah, that's Gene. Listen Charlie, I -I need you to promise me you'll do whatever you can.
CHARLIE: Of course. You know that... Hey. Be careful.

Scene 4

CHARLIE: I knew him just as long as you did. I'm sorry. Job isn't what it was ten years ago.
We're supposed to protect the world, where one breath of the wrong air can incinerate you from
the inside out. I mean, how do we protect people, when corporations have higher security clearances
than we do? When we're not fully briefed on half the things that we're investigating.
You know, when the truth, the truth is - we're obsolete.
OLIVIA: Take me back to the lab.

The Ghost Network

Scene 6

CHARLIE: You know, you being here Livvy… you did the right thing.
OLIVIA: Yeah. The man betrays his country, turning over state secrets to God knows who.
And here we are, pretending he's a hero.
CHARLIE: I know. Stop. Bureau's got one black eye as it is. The last thing we need right now is
another espionage scandal. You made it through. It's over now.
OLIVIA: Did you see John's mother? She wouldn't stop looking at me.
CHARLIE: His mother.
OLIVIA: Yeah, like she was blaming me for what happened to him, like it was my fault he was dead.
CHARLIE: As far as John's mother knows, her son died a hero serving his country.
OLIVIA: A hero. He used me, Charlie. And he told me he loved me.
CHARLIE: I wasn't gonna tell you this… but he said he loved me too.

Power Hungry

Scene 10

OLIVIA: I'm telling you because you knew about John and you didn't say anything,
so I trust you. At least enough for me to not think you're gonna think I'm crazy.
CHARLIE: Oh, of course not.
OLIVIA: I saw him last night.
CHARLIE: You saw John.
OLIVIA: In my kitchen. Standing about as far from me as you.
JOHN: Hello, Liv.
OLIVIA: I grabbed my gun, But he was gone. I know he wasn't there. Obviously. I...I just...
CHARLIE: Let me see. You fall in love with your partner... Who betrays you... And your country?
He dies in your arms. Then he shows up in your kitchen And you're wondering if that's
grounds To rescue yourself.
OLIVIA: Yeah, okay, well, we can start with that.
CHARLIE: I say no.You're the one that exposed him. Bare minimum, That makes you indispensable.
You want my advice? Next time John shows up for a nightcap... Give him one.
OLIVIA: I'm being serious.
CHARLIE: So am I. You think a few weeks pass And everything you went through just goes away?
Don't fight it. Don't beat yourself up. You know, You're good at that. That's a character flaw. It'll get easier.

The Cure

Scene 11

CHARLIE: Missing persons called in another case four hours ago. Her name is
Claire Williams. She was diagnosed with Bellini’s Lymphocemia three years ago.
OLIVIA: Someone’s targeting people with the disease?
CHARLIE: That… or it’s one hell of a coincidence. Hey, Liv. I get it.
OLIVIA: You get what?
CHARLIE: Young woman, what was done to her. You know, this coming your way…
today of all days.
OLIVIA: It’s okay. I’m okay.
CHARLIE: Listen, I know you don’t like to celebrate, but happy birthday.
OLIVIA: Ken Williams? Olivia Dunham, Charlie Francis, FBI.
KEN WILLIAMS: Claire… did you find her?
CHARLIE: I am afraid we don’t have any new information. But we do need to ask you a few questions.

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