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Old 10-06-2012, 11:44 AM
kindness is free
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It's on in a minute

Turning off my comp now so all my focus is on the TV


What a great start to the new series!

First of all our boys are back and better than ever Merlin and Arthur were brilliant as always. I love that they know each other so well that Arthur knows straight away that something is troubling Merlin They fight side by side and are there for each other.

Queen Guinevere is magnificent She is so natural by Arthur's side as his Queen. They are equals and he listens to her council and takes her advice they are such a natural fit Queen Guinevere in court when Cefa was brought in was truely a ruler she acted as a true Queen of Camelot upholding the laws of the land and being strong and fierce. I wish we had gotten a departing scene with Arthur and Gwen

Already in the first episode there is betrayal and treason! I love it I would never have guessed that Guinevere's Lady's maid would be the one to betray the King that was a great twist.

Morgana is back and still as bad as ever I love her coat, but still in black I see I wonder what she will do when/if she finds the key and I wonder if that being that Gwaine found in the caves is the key?

I just have to say what a delight (even though unfortunate circumstances for Percival and Gwaine) to see them shirtless pretty much the whole episode

I am liking the new Mordred so far. Although I do miss Asa, his portrayal of Mordred will always be my favourite. I am interested to see what part Mordred plays in the new season.

I am loving S5 already
Your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue,
yet they shine even brighter when you are kind.
Penelope & Colin
ll Emma l Icon: madness ll

Last edited by kindness is free; 10-06-2012 at 12:43 PM
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