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Old 09-30-2012, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by lovebird (View Post)
You know Rumpel was the creator of the curse, Regina just made ​​it work. And Charmings, were the family most affected and who suffered most from it all.
He used Snow, charming and Emma as pawns in a game. He deserves to be punched in the face by Emma and much more than that.
I know most will not agree with me. It's cute to see Rumpel, making tea for two (supposedly for him and Belle)
But I feel pity on Belle if he continues to make betrayals to achieve what he wants...if he keeps doing treacherous's covenants and dirty agreements...

"Did your dear boy Henry survive?"
"Is the curse broken? And lets see now Miss Swan, how long have you been searching for your parents? Looks like you're reunited"

But at what cost this family had to pay for Henry survive and Emma find their parents.
I fully agree with your post!
* Regina did work the curse for revenge against Snow, but was Rumpel who created the curse. And worse Rumpel used everyone including Regina, for his own benefit.
The only thing that distinguishes Rumpel of Regina, is his skill in handling people. And try to leave acquitted of all treacheries.
And people, he has used more to get what he wants are the elements of Charming's family. While most fairy tales characters want revenge on Regina, Emma seems to have realized more than anything who deserves to be punished. R-U-M-P-E-L.
And thinking of diabolical person who is Rumpel, I also feel very sorry for Belle. With this sneak peek, it seems to me that Rumpel not become an angel so suddenly. And would love that Emma had punched him hard on the face, because he well deserves.
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