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Old 09-24-2012, 10:41 PM
New Fan
Joined: Sep 2010
Posts: 76
Hey fellow Scoobies!! I'm new here so wanted to introduce myself!

Name: Cass
Age: Probably too old to be admitting BtVS is my biggest obsession, but I'm 28
Location: Sydney, Australia
Interests: Snowboarding, home reno's, hanging with my boyfriend, TV on DVD, fitness, movies, music
Favorite Buffy Character: Either Xander or Spike.. or Cordy.. Or Anya.. Or Giles.. Or Buffy.. Or highschool Willow.. Oh heck, I can't choose, don't make me!
Favorite Buffy Episode: Yikes, another tough question.. Always loved Becoming, parts 1 and 2. Mainly because the end of Becoming Part 2 just sticks in my mind as the saddest moment in TV history (didn't want to be too specific in case anyone hasn't seen it, but I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about!). Also always loved What's My Line (parts 1 and 2), Halloween, Surprise and Innocence (me thinks someone has a soft spot for season two!).. I love Hush as well and actually it's just occurred to me my list is getting a bit ridiculous, don't ask me difficult questions
Other Info: The first time I watched Becoming Part 2 was when it first aired on Australian TV, so some time in the 90s.. And I was so devastated by the ending, I actually cried for days (not constantly, but every time I thought about it), and my Mum actually tried to ban me from watching BtVS! She thought I was getting way too emotionally involved in "a silly TV show"... Geez Mum, get with the program
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