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Old 09-11-2012, 05:28 PM
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Lovekinssssss, what is this that I hear about you stepping down??
I feel lost where am I going to find you now, whenever I decide to stalk you?!
It's not even like I post on much lately, but still

I wasn't much of a poster on the twi board when you got the position, but still it was so lovely to hear you were a mod on such an awesome and kind of crazy board, you are a kind and lovely person and your brought that to the board, a bit of peace and love to a very busy busy board in a fandom where people love and hate very strongly and very fast, seeing you mod the board and post with all your kindness warmed my heart, even if I wasn't a regular poster anymore.

I understand your decision completely bb, but can't help but feel very sad for the twi board for loosing such an awesome/fun person as a mod.
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you

I love you more!
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