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Old 09-10-2012, 07:55 AM
Jerry D
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Originally Posted by sum1 (View Post)
Oh, it's easy enough to see how Lucas meant it to work out , but I've always seen it as an alien imposition on Star Wars, something that didn't fit with what went before. And turning Anakin into Jesus makes the whole story less credible, in my opinion (there have been other stories of virgin births other than Jesus, but Jesus is the one best known in Western culture, the only one most people know, and therefore it looks like that's what Lucas was alluding to with Anakin's virgin birth). Plus I have a hard time believing Hayden's and Jake's Anakin bringing balance to anything beyond maybe a bicycle.
That last line his hilarious!

Originally Posted by sum1 (View Post)
The Chosen One wasn't the first retcon Lucas made to Star Wars. Vader as Luke's father and Leia as his sister come to mind. But those retcons I found convincing, because I found the films they were in to be convincing. But I never found the prequels convincing. In a whole host of ways I find the prequels less convincing than the OT. One obvious example is the cgi cartoon characters like Jar Jar and Boss Nass (Grievous fits in there too -classic cartoon villain). These characters come off like they belong in an old kids' cartoon. With characters like that there's an automatic level of taking things less seriously, of not believing in the reality of the imagined world as much. Once characters like that have been introduced into Star Wars it's hard (for me, at least) to take the new Star Wars Star Wars wars stories (such as the prequels) as seriously, to believe in their story as much. That's not a problem that appears in the OT, but in the prequels it's one of the many things that make me feel they're not for real, so that I can't really believe in their story. And ultimately I think Lucas introducing such characters indicates that HE doesn't believe in the Star Wars story as much anymore. The original films strove to be believable, but the prequels don't, because introducing characters like Jar Jar is like a statement of "Don't take this seriously, I don't really mean it."
Great post, sum. Obviously, when Lucas made the first Star Wars, he probably never envisioned that it would be a huge success, so he added to the “legend” of each character as he went along, and in the Original Trilogy, it worked, but in the Prequel Trilogy, it didn’t in my opinion. I never understood the whole “Chosen One” legend, and I didn’t buy the idea that Anakin was this Christ-Like figure that was created by (I assume) Darth Plagueis. I think that it’s really too bad that Lucas didn’t put the care into the Prequel Trilogy that he put into the Original Trilogy (which he seems to love to tamper with, much to my chagrin) but what’s done is done.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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