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Old 09-04-2012, 05:54 AM
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Moonlight_shine's Avatar
Joined: Apr 2011
Posts: 29,658
150,000 posts at the Disney Board!!! ~ Come and celebrate this magical experience with us.

Celebrating 1 5 0, 0 0 0 posts at the Disney board!

Disneyland is the star, everything else is in the supporting role.”
- Walt Disney

Hello everybody!!! We made it. I can't even begin to describe how happy we are to reach the amazing 150K milestone.
Thank you so much to the people who contributed to making something for the celebration.
Together you helped to make a successful OP which makes our hard word look more magical than ever.
Now lets all celebrate this great experience together!

The Magical journey of Disney;

One amazing man who started it all
Two moderators full of Disney dreams
Nine hundred and forty seven threads of magic
over one hundred love stories
So many wonderful posters
Thousands of merchandise
Two trueDisney castles
Two resort parks

Judith (skje)

“What ever you do, do it well. Do it so well that
when people see you do it they will want to come back
and see you do it again and they will want to bring others
and show them how well you do what you do.”
- Walt Disney

Reasons We love Disney;
I love Disney even if I don´t have the time to watch so many movies anymore but I grew up with them and I will always remember buying VHS of various Disney productions and every time my little cousin visits me I love to watch a movie with her.
Also watching a Disney movie in the cinema always takes me back to my childhood and I really enjoy it to experience a new world every single time I watch one of these movies. My love for Walt Disney and what he created for us knows no bounds. Kathrin (Regulus-Fan)

How amazing that another celebration is upon us! Walt Disney was an incredible man with an incredible vision. He wanted to see a positive change in this world and he started that by introducing us to a mouse named Mickey.
From then on, the world hasn't been the same. There have been countless movies, shows, channels, Broadway musicals-just to name a few-that have come and impacted our lives, all because Disney wanted the world to be a happy place.
Jessica (Stay Strongღ)

I love Disney so much because it basically defined my childhood. It was everything fun and exciting, everything magical and fantastical. In a time when television and animated cartoons weren’t at your disposal 24/7, I could always count on my Disney collection.
I fell into the worlds of Cinderella and Ariel, Aurora and Snow White, and so many more glamorous role models. I was captivated by their beauty, longing to transform into a Princess so that my Prince would one day come sweep me off my feet.
I also love Disney for what it taught me growing up. Not only did it show me what it’s like to be a Princess, but it taught me honor and perseverance. It taught me that in the face of evil, retribution and oppression, you don’t give up.
If you stay true to yourself, in the end you will come out on top. Your foot will fit into that glass slipper. Your voice will be returned. And your Prince Charming will come wake you from your slumber! Daisy (**Daisy**)

I love Disney because it symbolized my childhood and still affects my life right now. Every time I watch any Disney film, I'm always in awe at how awesome the animation is now compared to the old days. It inspires me and
gives me hope
of finding true love like many of the characters in the films. CeeCee (Jenny's Dimple)

I seriously cannot believe that we have hit 150K on the board of Disney dreams!! It's such a pleasure along with a magical experience to have come this far. Every time I come across the word "Disney" I instantly think of Walter himself.
Not only was he an extremely talented man, his words were always so inspiring to life itself. Walter was highly creative in life, his imagination wandered rapidly managing to always gather new ideas. They all speak of Disney
starting with a mouse, but quite rightly Walter started this fascinating creation through using his surname, a sheet of paper and a pencil to sketch. With starting to draw the mouse, a duck and a couple of more animals Walt Disney
finally brought his phenomenal designs to life!Promoting them to the world of animation, which brought him a step closer with succeeding in life. He created a dream for all viewers imaginable.
There's not just children as viewers, adults and the elderly still hold a tight grasp on Disney to this day.

The story of a child beyond talented more than ever he had expected created a beautiful journey for everybody to enjoy. One of his biggest experiences was formally designing cartoons from scratch.
Walt Disney seeked a vision in life that he wished on making come to life. He never given up on his productive ways in life. Now some of his greatest achievements which still stand out today are blowing us off our seats.
Watching Disney movies sends me to the stars and back. There's so much potential, guidance, relative storylines and inspiration in Disney. Whether it means watching classic or modern projects Disney is still moving forward in the world.

Moderating this board is one of the greatest opportunities that I've ever been offered. Not only do I love moderating this board on a daily basis, discussing
my everlasting love with our wonderful posters, making the board a friendly area to join in the fun, or creating new threads, designing OP's along with anything other relevant.
CeeCee my co-mod means everything to me. I didn't just earn a wonderful board, I earned her trust when coming to join her alongside moderation. I couldn't be more thrilled with working next to her side.
We are both very passionate for this board and try our very hardest with keeping it alive. CeeCee has brought me so far with this board personally, I would just like to take a moment to thank her now being one of my very close friends.
I'm so very lucky to have the board, secondly the best co-mod alive!! Together we make an unstoppable team. I honestly couldn't do this without having her next to my side. My second words of thanks go to the fantastic posters at the board.
You help to keep our board alive, we love you all, thank you, thank you so much!!! Katie (Moonlight_shine)

The reason I love Disney isn't just because it reminds me of my childhood (which of course it does) or because it makes me happy while watching the movies. It's because I believe that Disney movies are a very powerful thing. The world we live in can be hard
and unforgiving and plainly cruel sometimes. When we watch Disney we go to another world, a world with happy endings, true love and loyal friends. It's beautiful and innocent and everything ends well. The good always wins. So to me Disney is not simply nostalgia.
It makes me want to be a better person, it makes me believe in the good and it makes me hopeful for a better world. It makes me believe that maybe, just maybe, this fantasy could become reality. And that is exactly why I love it. Anka (Ankatje)

Disney has been with me for as long as I remember myself. In fact, I think I don't even remember myself before Disney. Those movies were not just a significant part of my childhood, they influenced my personality in such a profound way
that it's simply impossible to imagine them not being in my life, because they gave me inspiration when I was a kid making me want to draw an enormous amount of pictures trying to copy Disney style and write my own stories trying to measure up
to the beauty
of the ones told by Disney, they gave me hope during the hardest times as I grew up and experienced my fair share of misunderstanding coming from other people and had to learn to stand up after falling harder than I thought I ever would attempting to
achieve my goals or to merely find a balance and harmony within and they returned joy and magic into my life as an adult even at the points when it seemed like things will never get better or that plans will never be fulfilled or that dreams will never come true.
I owe so much to those movies and mainly to the man who started it all, Walt Disney, without whom the lives of millions of people like me, kids and grown ups, wouldn't be the same. It may sound like I'm a hopeless dreamer who likes those movies because
they are capable of making you feel integrated into the world of fairy tales for at least few hours of your life and escape the daily routine, but the truth be told, I'm the most clinical and down to earth person you'd ever meet. And yet, I AM a dreamer.
And yes, Disney movies found it's way to my heart as well because their magic is not just some kind of thing that only appeals to the ones who want to run away from reality and hide in the imaginary world of fairies and princesses, Disney magic is the one that
makes you see it in the world around you after you watch those movies, it makes you start appreciating things you have and start working for things you want to have, it makes you believe in yourself even when nobody does and teaches you to always hope for a
brighter day
because no matter how hard the life can get at some points, there are certain things that can never be taken away from you: the passion of your heart, the beauty of everything that makes you smile and feel happy and the uniqueness of your personality
that is the greatest gift you can ever have because it's up to you to decide what kind of person you want to be. And Disney taught me to hold on to those things, those movies inspire me and whenever I'm feeling down or depressed they make that old feeling,
the one we all have when we are children but tend to lose as we grow up, the feeling of never ending possibilities waiting ahead of us if only we are brave enough to make the first step, come back again - and this feeling is what I call magic. Mary (mary ksand)

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” - Walt Disney

Our Favourite Characters;
My favourite character and probably my favourite Disney movie is Mulan. I really love how Mulan goes off into the world of men to help her family and her father joins the army and tries to hide herself which is very hard but never gives up.
She is so strong for her family but also for her country to protect it from its enemies. I also love the mythology which is very important for Mulan and of course she finds love in those hard times.
I´m always up for a happy end. Kathrin (Regulus-Fan)

My favourite character is definitely Dug from 'Up', not only is he a talking dog, but he is extremely smart and loyal. He just makes me laugh and brightens up my day everytime I watch the film. CeeCee (Jenny's Dimple)

Disney has so many wonderful yet potential characters to choose from, which means that I will never think less of any of them. As a child I personally grew to adore Jasmine more than anything. Jasmine is one of my most favourite Disney
in the whole entire world. Jasmine has a breathtaking complexion, pure sparkling eyes, long thick black hair, plus one of the most loyal partners in existence. Rajah, her connection with the fire coloured stunning tiger
is seriously unreal. Rajah will always stay next to Jasmine's side protecting her from any poor decisions she decides to make in life. Something amazing beyond belief which happened to Jasmine was with first ever meeting Aladdin.
He disguised himself as a prince, despite that lie he turned out to be the sweetest man in life! Aladdin acted as Jasmine's guide, showing Jasmine how to explore the world properly, making her biggest dreams come true, some which she
would never have imagined to happen in reality. I think the magical carpet ride is one of her wildest fantasies. It's so highly unrealistic since controlled by magic. Carpets don't fly, but for it to be brought to life in this very film made
her feel in a new land, her own dreamworld. That beautiful world she felt the need to see using her own vision. She watched that breathtaking sight shine, shimmer,
glisten taking in her new experiences slowly. Katie (Moonlight_shine)

I am so grateful that I have found a place where I can talk about my favorite Disney movies and characters, one of those being Princess Aurora from "Sleeping Beauty". This has always been my favorite animated classic Disney movie for as long as I can remember.
I just love how Aurora became Briar Rose and grew up as a normal girl. Then, when the time was right, she met & fell in love with her prince, who she was supposed to marry anyway! She accepted her royalty after being reunited with her parents!
She was a strong & powerful girl and didn't give up on her dream of falling in love. I long to find my own Prince Phillip one day, but until that time comes, I can enjoy the romance of Princess Aurora & Prince Phillip. All thanks to Walt Disney! Jessica (Stay Strongღ)

There's a variety of rememberal, lovable, exceptionally unique characters created by eternally amazing Disney that inspire the viewers worldwide giving them a chance to relate to those characters, learn from them, see something in them that would motivate
and push
into working hard to fulfill your plans and make your dreams come true. Some of those characters are the ones we grew up with and the ones that define our childhood holding a special place in our hearts even as we grow older, others are being introduced to us at certain points
of our adult lives making us remember our childhood and bringing back the feeling that nothing is impossible and, as Walt himself liked to say, "if you can dream it you can do it", but most importantly, those characters give us hope when some of us need it the most and their stories, beautiful pieces
of brilliant animation
combined with inspirational messages, truly epic love stories and incredible music that have no age or barriers and therefore appeal to all kinds of people irrespective of how old they are or where they live, bring back joy and happiness into our lives
even when we have to deal with the daily routine or go through hard periods of our lives, creating an unfading feeling of magic and making us remember that magic does exist and dreams do come true even when things seem impossible. Choosing a favourite from Disney characters
is extremely hard for me, because in addition to all of them being incredibly complex and multi-layered I also love all of them to a more or lesser extent because each and every one of those characters is so easy to sympathy with with no exceptions and all of them inspire me at different points
of my life depending on which story I relate to the most in a particular time period. I guess I'll have to go with Aladdin because when people ask me who is my number one favourite character in all Disney I always instantly and instinctively say it's him. What I love the most about Aladdin is him being a realistically flawed character, a character that has his weaknesses and some dose of selfishness but never lets his flaws get in a way of his morals and his kind heart.

Aladdin is a character who would steal a bread and escape the guards in order to keep it and then would give that bread away to starving children without a second thought.
He had desires and dreams and he quite often chose wrong ways to achieve them, but his intentions were always good and he always learnt from his mistakes - a very simple yet very meaningful aspect of a good character development that Disney movies can do like no other.
Aladdin gets his happy ending after he goes through a great emotional journey and transformation, falling hard and standing up again, making mistakes and making up for them, facing multiple choices and ending up making the right one. His story doesn't technically end with the final of the movie,
because he gets to start a new life, a life he built on his own, by the side of a person he loved and who loved him back. Once again, very simple, but very meaningful. Just like Disney magic. Mary (mary ksand)

Kathrin (Regulus-Fan)

“The era we are living in today is a dream of coming true.” - Walt Disney

Our Favourite Couples;
That would probably be Ellie and Carl for me. It doesnt happen that often, that I have to dry my tears after not only 15 minutes of a movie but their lovestory is so beautiful but sad, because it happens every day.
I love how they found each other and stayed together their whole life even after Ellie wasn't able to get pregnant anymore. They stayed together through happy but also rough times and they loved each other so much.
Even after Ellie´s death Carl tried to make her wish come true and at the end of the movie he made it happen and I was so happy for them. One of my favourite movie and definitely my favourite couple. Kathrin (Regulus-Fan)

My favourite couple are Carl/Ellie because they symbolize the true meaning of love. All throughout their life together, Carl has cared for Ellie selflessly up until the day she slipped away. Their relationship is incredibly
and beautiful and it is this that makes them my favourite couple. CeeCee (Jenny's Dimple)

There's over one hundred couples to choose from specific to Disney. My favourite couple is torn between Ariel/Eric and Pocahontas/John Smith. However for this I'll choose Ariel/Eric due to already discussing
Pocahontas/John Smith on the thread relevant. I've never come across so much beauty in my life. These two were destined to be together forever. Eric still felt very drawn to Ariel even when when she bargained
her voice after making a deal with the evil sea witch Ursula. Eric taught Ariel to take part in human activities which Ariel had never once experienced before. Being human was one of Ariel's wildest dreams.
Overall Ariel understood that her love for Eric was actually unconditional since they were both different. They were never meant to be, nor meet, but that kind of love was just too powerful to keep under control.
Ariel's existence had to remain secret to Eric. Disney displays how those who wish, wait and stay optimistic in life earn what they truly wish for in life. Hope is waiting just around the corner to those who wait. Katie (Moonlight_shine)

There are many Disney couples that I love, but Belle and the Beast are my favourite. Despite how they met, how people thought about him, how he looked, she saw how he was on the inside. She managed to see the good, when it wasn't obvious.
She looked further than the appearance and saw that, despite being ugly on the outside, he was beautiful where it counted - on the inside. At the same time he tried to be the best possible version of himself around, he let her in.
I think this is truly a case where two people bring the best out in each other and that is exactly what love is supposed to do. Anka (Ankatje)

Being a hopeless romantic and a huge couple shipper, I can't forget to mention the beauty of the love stories created by Disney. I think the most wonderful and special thing about them is that those stories are all so fundamentally different - it can be love at first sight,
a gradual process of falling in love, a relationship that started withannoyance/misunderstanding and eventually grew into friendship and romance - and each and every one of those stories is perfectly executed and incredibly relatable and no matter what age you are or what kind of personal experience you have/had in your life those stories make you believe in eternal and unconditional love, they inspire to search for it, to fight for it, to hold on to it and to cherish it.

If I had to choose my ultimate favourite Disney couple, it would definitely be Ariel/Eric from The Little Mermaid. I love how their story effectively and beautifully represents both love at first sight scenario and "falling in love gradually" process. Ariel was a free spirited, open minded girl
with a wild and passionate heart
who felt like she was trapped under the sea and in her own mermaid body and desperately wanted to be a part of a different world, a human world, and she kept exploring it whenever she had such a chance or an opportunity to do so:
collecting things (and, like a true explorer, sometimes risking her own life to get some of them, visiting abandoned ships and even confronting sharks), reading human books and being "ready to know what the people know".

One day, her world collides with Eric's, a young prince who is, just like her, a dashing, brave, open minded and down to earth person with love for music and a heart full of passion and desire to meet his one and only, not agreeing on anything less. He didn't know that his one and only was watching him from afar, ready to strike him

"like a lightning", just like he dreamed it would be. When the ship crushes and Eric, being a noble and loyal person that he is, returns to rescue his pet Max, Ariel stays around a burning ship before and after it's explosion to make sure she can save Eric from drowning.
And after she saves his life, after she sings him a song before he wakes up and hears the ending of it as well as seeing a glimpse of her beautiful face, the two of them end up being bonded forever, only to be separated by circumstances because they come from two different worlds.

However, the story takes a whole new turn when Ariel, willing to risk everything for her long term desire to become a human and for her newfound love for Eric, trades her voice to the sea witch Ursula for legs and enters Eric's life once again, in a form of a charming mute girl. And despite the fact that she lacks the core identity of "the one" he was desperately looking for, a young woman with a gorgeous voice who saved him, he still lets Ariel into his life, helping her when he believed she was in trouble and giving himself a chance to get to know her and eventually falling in love with her for real, choosing her over his idealized "dream girl". Despite Ursula's plans and Ariel's father's judgement and prejudices against the human world, Eric and Ariel end up being perfect for each other. And once Eric finds out that Ariel was the same girl who saved him all the pieces fall into place and they fight and win against everything that tries to tear them apart. Melted by the strength of their love, Triton gives Ariel his blessing and gives her a chance to be with the one she loves forever, realizing how blind he was when he used to see things only from one angle and judge humans wrongly. Eric and Ariel's love is a perfect example of acceptance and inevitability. No matter if she was a mermaid, no matter if she was mute, no matter if she was the reason for him to be saved by her or to die saving her - they were always meant to be, always each other's one and only, always each other's destiny, the one they chose on their own, overcoming all the possible and impossible obstacles even when the situation seemed hopeless. And they got their happy ending due to the equal and strong partnership they formed and unconditional love they had for one another. This love story ended up being one of those legendary and exceptionally beautiful things that Disney magic is capable of creating. Mary (mary ksand)

“I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it.”
- Walt Disney

Walter Elias Disney was born in Chicago, Illinois, on December 5,
1901, the fourth of five children born to Elias and Flora Call Disney.
His father, a strict and religious man who often physically abused
his children, was working as a building contractor when Walter was born.

Soon afterward, his father took over a farm in Marceline, Missouri, where
he moved the family. Walter was very happy on the farm and developed
his love of animals while living there. After the farm failed, the family
moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where Walter helped his father deliver

He also worked selling candy and newspapers on the train that traveled
between Kansas City and Chicago, Illinois. He began drawing and took some
art lessons during this time.

Disney dropped out of high school at seventeen to serve in World War
I (1914–18; a war between German-led Central powers and the Allies- England, the
United States, and other nations). After a short stretch as an ambulance driver,
he returned to Kansas City in 1919 to work as a commercial illustrator
and later made crude animated cartoons (a series of drawings with
slight changes in each that resemble movement when filmed in order). By 1922 he had
set up his own shop as a partner with Ub Iwerks, whose drawing
ability and technical skill were major factors in Disney's eventual success.

The invention of such cartoon characters as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck,
Minnie, and Goofy, combined with the clever use of music, sound, and folk
material as in The Three Little Pigs, made the Disney shorts of the 1930s
successful all over the world. This success led to the establishment of the hugely
profitable, Disney-controlled sidelines in advertising, publishing, and merchandising.

“I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse.”
- Walt Disney

Dear Walter

Thanks for creating the legend that is Mickey Mouse.
You have enriched our childhood threefold and I could not be more grateful.

Dear Walter,
Even though you have already passed on in life, this letter is especially meant for you.
I have to express my feelings to how much of a facinating man you were.
Around me I still feel your presence breathing, especially around everything Disney.
Your life and home in general was Disney.
The statue of Micky Mouse and yourself seriously brings me close to tears.
Just seeing right before my eyes how proud you look standing tall with one
of your biggest symbols next to you makes us want to bow down to the ground.
May you rest in peace forever and always in still motion of the Disney castle.
You're surrounded by so much beauty. In life you were a very creative man,
you had a huge passion for animals which was one of the main reasons to why
you started drawing on a regular basis.

Despite the tragic life you experienced, you saw a better way to life living on
that farm, a new light worth discovering further. I find that one of your most
bravest moments.
Walter, you created images through using artistic methods with your mind.
You are seriously such an inspiration to life, for everybody out there hoping to
be an animator, artist or spokesperson. Your words are magical. I will keep
your quotes close to my heart forever, hoping to find new levels in life itself.
Keep on dreaming Disney dreams.
You are the reason Disney lives on, and always will!

May you rest in peace. Sweet Disney dreams, Walter.

Love, Katie.

Celebration Icons;

Kathrin (Regulus-Fan)

“When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.” - Walt Disney

Judith (skje)

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” - Walt Disney

- Katie

Last edited by Moonlight_shine; 09-04-2012 at 06:11 AM
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