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Old 08-21-2012, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by The Looking Glass (View Post)
Belle is going to have the most glamorous wardrobe on the show. I can already see it. Oh, the perks of having a wealthy true love.
I love what she's wearing now; I hope it doesn't get more glamorous than that. I don't want to see Belle dressed to the nines like some fancy shmancy doll. What she wore today? More please!

Yeah, I meant the second one! I cannot wait to see how everyone else in town is going to react to her!
Assuming she's with Gold, I would think Charming would put 2 and 2 would Grumpy and perhaps Emma. Everyone else? I suspect they're going to stare and her and be curious about her because they probably thought they knew everyone, lol. As to the skirt, well - he did snap it up or whatever for her, so Gold? No need to be jealous - Belle only has eyes for you!
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