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Old 07-13-2012, 03:50 PM
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Originally Posted by alors (View Post)
I think he has to. Although I have not seen their names listed as confirmed POVs for TWOW. But the storyline, IMO, is too major to not give at least Jaime (and one would hope Brienne) POVs.
They HAVE to be in this book (), and I hope it's from Brienne's POV. We got the beginning of their relationship from Jaime, then their separate thoughts during their time apart. Now that they're back together, it's Brienne's turn to tell us the story.
Up and up and up he’d borne her, high above the pyramids and pits, his wings outstretched to catch the warm air rising from the city’s sun baked bricks.

‘If I fall and die, it will still have been worth it,’ she had thought.
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