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Old 07-11-2012, 03:06 PM
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Twin Flames|DamonღElena|#1644: Nothing can separate them.


T H E S O U L S ' J O U R N E Y H O M E

The love story of the god of storms and the goddess of fire...


T h e B e g i n n i n g . . .
Somewhere, two flames pucker into existence. Separated by the span of centuries, held apart by the promise of pain. But they never go out. Not when the darkness bears down upon them. Not when all the forces of nature tug at their strength. They burn on. And they will continue to burn on until they find one another.

They are Twin Flames. They are Damon and Elena.

They first meet, and the flames stirs. Blue eyes meet warm brown. Lips brush skin, the embers burn. But the path laid before them stretches on. He, the first flame, fashions himself as a monster. His heart is a withered husk within his chest, untouched by trust or by love for many years. She, the second flame, though she burns no less brightly; she feels something stir within her. But she brushes it aside. Her heart weighs heavy with grief.

Both hearts belong to others, or so they believe. This is not their time. They are only now starting their journey. A journey that promises to test all their resolve. A journey full of bitterness, anger, and sorrow. But a journey that will ultimately reward them with the truest love of all.

Their story is not a love story. It is something far greater. And this is only the beginning...


It was lovely, like flying, and her body knew every move to make.
They danced around and around that empty room, in perfect timing, together.
He was laughing down at her, his dark eyes glittering with enjoyment.
She felt so beautiful; so poised and alert and ready for anything.
She couldn't remember when she'd had this much fun.
The Struggle ~

● ● ●

Why do I love Damon and Elena? Easy;
They are fun, sexy, interesting and have an understanding of each other which they don't have with others.
They seemed to get each other almost instantly, yet it wasn't love at first sight.
Instead, their connection has built over time.
From an understanding, to friendship to their beautiful first kiss and beyond.
Their chemistry is smoking hot, but they also have a deeper connection.
He would sacrifice his life for her.
She would beg for his.
He is one of the people she loves and she helps him to find his long forgotten humanity.
All these years have been worth it for him because he got to meet her.
And she would do anything and everything to be with him in his last dying moments.
Yet they still have so much further to go.
They have so much potential yet to fulfill.
And I can't wait to see it play out.
Fay ~ (Titch22)

There aren't enough words to explain the amazingness of this couple.
Heck, what they are now, what they've become and how they'll continue to develop can't even be explained with words.
You have to feel it.
This couple wouldn't be as half as amazing if it weren't for the actors that portray these characters.
Ian and Nina do such a great job and they have this smoldering chemistry that you can basically feel on your screen.
Whenever their eyes meet, there's fire.
What I love the most about Delena is that they aren't even one bit rushed.
Their build up is literally flawless and it makes you extremely intrigued to look forward to what's next in store for them.
They started off hating each other and there was banter that over the time grew in something bigger, something meaningful.
One cannot deny that there's ~something~ going on between them, these two have an understanding like no other.
Elena easily brings out the humanity of Damon, she helped him become a better person and watching the journey of these characters growing both individually and together is inexplicable. It's the most beautiful thing on the show.
The build-up so far has been perfect, you can really tell that the writers are taking a good care of them and their relationship.
Now that we finally saw hints of Elena developing romantic feelings about Damon, you can only imagine how fanatic the rest of it will be.
Nat ~ (iLoveChair)

● ● ●

"If you're looking for somebody, I think you'd better look somewhere else."
He was looking at her oddly, with an expression she couldn't understand.
It was a mixture of annoyance and grudging respect—
and something else. Something hot and fierce that frightened her in a different way.
He waited until her hand was on the doorknob to answer,
and his voice was soft but serious, with no trace of amusement.
"Perhaps I've already found her... Elena."
~ The Awakening

'They work gorgeously together, whether they're fighting or kissing, it's always perfect.'
~ Blast

"Some things could matter again."
S h i p p e r s
[ full list ] [ honorary shippers list ]
825. Sweet Charity
826. Lady_Olga
827. astreindre
828. lauren3210
829. NishaNisha
830. _Sofia
831. Amalia_F
832. DomsWritersBlock
833. Josie2288
834. Candygirl9890
835. JC123
836. ride the lightning
837. lostie86
838. teamdelenaxi
839. xinya
840. sararose244
841. BWQBProdz
842. jacey2
843. boomersoonerfan
844. ckgranger
845. loezzzje
846. dancer9q
847. Ezria
848. Dani17
849. LuvzAfunEthing80
850. itsmeboo93
851. LabuanPearl88
852. mr.weber01
853. SweetJo
854. alipap3
855. agentbarton
856. Nilicat
857. ashleymarie

"I wanted it to be real."

"You can feel that there's something between her and Damon."
~ TVSquad


But then she remembered something else,
just a flash: looking up at Damon's face in the woods and feeling such—
such excitement, such affinity with him.
As if he understood the flame that burned inside her as nobody else ever could.
As if together they could do anything they liked, conquer the world or destroy it;
as if they were better than anyone else who had ever lived.
~ The Fury

● ● ●

That couple that captivates an audience of thousands with just a single glance toward one another.
That couple that people route for because their love is complex, forbidden, angsty, and real.
That couple that pushes you to the edge of your seat, waiting in anticipation to see what their next move will be.
That couple that gives you butterflies in your stomach and makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
That couple that bleeds chemistry and passion through the television screen.
That couple that makes you scream and yell and cry and smile.
That couple that is destined to be together, drawn together, like two twin flames.
That couple is Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, and their journey.. is only just beginning.
Crystal ~ (Creamsodaqueen)

I ship Damon & Elena, because their chemistry is so undeniable.
It’s explosive.
There is just something about them that draws you in like a magnet, and you have to keep watching like an addiction.
Their scenes demand attention.
Their looks and touches gives you shivers, and you just want to scream and jump up and down, while your eyes is still glued on the TV screen.
They have this understanding with each other.
She understands him. She gets him.
She has reawoken his human side.
He loves her, and he would do just about anything to protect her.
She is the only person that can affect him tremendously.
Marah ~ (Rickylious)

● ● ●

He wanted her to believe him, to trust him.
He didn’t want Elena as a one-night bleeder.
He wanted her to choose him.
His princess of darkness. That was what she was meant to be.
With him as king, consort, whatever she wished.
When she saw things more clearly, she would understand that it didn’t matter.
That nothing mattered except them being together.
Nightfall ~

"Damon's pretty sure that there's something brewing between him and Elena, and despite what Elena says, we're pretty sure he's right."
~ CWSource

"I really think Damon believes that everything he's done, every move that he's made he's done for love."

'I predict...'

A crow smashes into the windscreen. His crow. In answer to the prediction.

The Graveyard. A place that Elena finds comfort. The crow perches on her parents grave, and though it looks like any ordinary crow, something about it holds her attention. She shoos it away; it appears behind her. And then the fog rolls in. Elena's first instinct is fear. She starts to run, yet a part of her cannot resist looking back. She squints through the murk, and she sees a shadow. His eyes brush against hers for the first time, though she barely feels it. She turns away, for now.

'I see a man...there's fog...and a crow.'

He is her future. She just needs to follow her path to reach him.

[ continue here ]

"You and I, we have something, an understanding."
"The walls keeping Damon and Elena apart are slowly chipping away."
~ tvgeekarmy

She let her head fall back and suddenly Damon found himself half-supporting her weight.
She was surrendering all thought of herself,
showing him that despite everything she still trusted him, still…
… still loved him.
~ Midnight

● ● ●

I love Damon and Elena because they aren't your typical couple.
They didn't look at each other and know right away that they were meant to be together.
Damon and Elena are about the slow burn.
Their relationship is so special because they have grown so much in such a short time.
They went from almost hating each other (or at least, Elena hating Damon) to mutually respecting each other and enjoying each other’s company.
Elena now sees Damon as a good friend, (with the possibility of more) and Damon is completely in love with her.
The build-up between the two over the first two seasons was amazing to watch and makes their relationship that much more meaningful.
I can’t wait to see where things go in season 3 with them. Both are finally coming to terms with how they feel and the tension will only keep building.
Nina and Ian have amazing chemistry that translates so well onscreen and their passion and intensity makes you want to root for them.
Andra ~ (Andra)

There are so many reasons why I love Damon and Elena that it's impossible to list them all.
Firstly, there's the amazing and undeniable chemistry Ian and Nina have that makes their scenes so natural and full of sexual tension.
Then there's the fact that they're only truly themselves when they're around each other.
She brings out his humanity and kindness and makes him want to be someone better simply by believing in him, something no one else had ever done before.
And in turn, he helps her let loose and brings out that fun, fiery and passionate side of her like no one else does.
They reveal the best in each other and understand one another without even needing words.
They have the chemistry, the connection, the build-up, and that's why Damon and Elena are the real OTP of the series
Rita ~ (Rita1516)

● ● ●

And then Elena remembered why she had come.
How could she have forgotten?
He was hurt.
His mind had summoned her here, battering her with shock waves of rage and pain.
She had come to help him because she belonged to him.
The Fury ~


"Damon loves that Elena stands up for herself & is willing to go toe to toe with him"
~ HeroineTV

"We'll survive this. We always survive. Trust me."

"I can’t stand the idea of you hating me forever."
"Elena and Damon complement each other and challenge each other."


She could not move or look away.
And this time she knew that it was no Power that he was using,
but simply the wildfire attraction between them.
It was useless to deny it; her body responded to his.
~ The Struggle

● ● ●

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved watching those movies, and those shows where a couple would scream passion, romance, angst and have that hint of tragedy to them all at the same time,
but always, I wanted to see something more, to feel something more from the couple.
That chemistry that would stick with you even after the episode was over, even after the show was over.
DE have left me with that feeling, and when I found out, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
It was here, everything that I wanted to see with a couple, was right before my eyes.
The greatest love stories that we know, Jack & Rose, Noah & Allie, Scarlett & Rhett, even Beauty & the Beast, have that timelessness to them,
and the fact that DE have been compared to them, that they share the same similar qualities, is astoundingly magical, and proves of how great they actually are.
They are going to be remembered, and they are going to be IT, even after the show is over, no matter what happens, they're going to leave behind a legacy, along with being on the cover of EW's best television couples.
I have been watching a timeless love story unfold, as have we all, and will continue to do so.
Their legacy and brilliance, will be known and remembered.
Timeless, absolutely timeless.
Mitra ~ (Mitra)

Damon and Elena's journey has been anything but easy.
They've had hardships hurled at them, put their lives on the line for each other time and time again, sometimes let each other down, but at the end of the day, no matter what, there always was and always will be a connection between the two.
They'll always care about each other deeply, whether or not they want to.
They have strong feelings for each other embedded in their hearts.
Whether those feelings are romantic or not, they are there, and they are undeniable.
The chemistry between Damon and Elena is electrifying and intense. Damon and Elena draw out sides of each other that no one else does.
Elena makes Damon human; she is his heart; she makes him selfless.
She makes him care. His humanity had been buried for over a century and never so much as scratched his surface, until he met Elena.
She understood his pain, she was kind to him. Damon lightens up Elena and brings out her fun side. He lets her step away from her problems for a while and live like a normal girl.
She saw the human buried deep inside of him when no one else did, she saw the man that just wanted love more than anything else.
He saw her as more than her manipulative doppelganger, he saw her kindness and that he could trust her.
No matter where their journey takes them, and no matter what the destination is, their connection will never be broken.
Their story will always be laced with an unbreakable connection.
Rachel ~ (standingintherain)

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She was…damn it, she was everything .
Witty, enchanting, brave, smart…and beautiful.
And he knew that his eyes were saying all that
and that she wasn’t turning away.
~ Nightfall

"She was willing to call him on his crap & saw something in him that wasn't entirely evil."
~ Portrait Magazine

"There is something going on between the two of us, and you know it."
His diabolical master plan is in motion, but then he sees her. She looks away quickly when she catches his eye. She knows she should not want to talk to him, and he does not need to talk to her. But he is drawn towards her anyway. He cannot resist.

'Consider this psychopaths feelings hurt.'

He places a hand over his heart, mocking her. He does not realise that one day his own words would mock him right back.

'Are you sure you didn't do anything else?'

Now she cannot resist. That moment is playing over in her mind, that moment when he appeared on her porch. If she accepts that he did as she asked, then she must accept that there is something good inside him.

'Elena, I took away his suffering.'

He says it with a smirk, but even he can't quite believe it.

[ continue here ]

"I like you now, just the way you are."
"Damon and Elena prove touching is overrated."
~ LA Times


Something was building between them, something that
frightened Elena with its power. […]
There was a dangerous glimmer in those dark eyes. "Don't push me, Elena."
She moved closer, so that she was almost touching him, and looked at him.
"I think," she said, "that maybe you need to be pushed."
The Struggle

● ● ●

Damon and Elena.
I mean, where do I even start?
These two really have it all in my eyes.
They have trust, honesty, an understanding of each other (including their faults), and probably my favorite, is that it’s real.
Their relationship doesn’t feel forced to me, it’s natural, and has been built up with time.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way given their circumstances.
He’s a vampire; she’s a human.
He kills people and has a lot of apathy.
She sees the good in people, and shows compassion to everyone she meets.
It would be wrong to say that they would’ve gotten along fine if they had just met each other knowing these things.
They needed time.
Time for him to realize that she was someone he could really trust despite his luck with his brother.
Someone that actually cared about him and thought he was worth saving.
She needed time to get past the fact that for the greater portion of his life he’s killed people with no remorse, and that was a part of who he was.
She saw past that, saw a part of him that was human, that still cared.
They came to know and understand each other, even better than they know themselves, IMO.
At the end of the day, they became friends, but with just a little something more.
Neither could explain, but there was something else there.
They've gone through hardships, including Damon attempting to kill Elena’s brother, Jeremy.
But we see now through all of their struggles, she still cares about him, more than ever as she keeps reminding him to be the better man, to keep fighting.
After all they’ve been through, she still cares about him?
I think that says a lot. Elena still needs time, as she hasn’t fully thought about her feelings yet and how strong they are.
But she’ll get there. And I cannot wait until that day.
I think their story is only just beginning, and let me tell you, it’ll be one for the ages.
Emma ~ (xXEmmaXx)

Damon & Elena are EPIC.
It hasn't been an easy road for either of them, but somewhere along the way, they found each other and here I found my OTP.
They have the most emotional storyline and some scenes are truly heartbreaking, but it’s what makes their story realistic and believable.
Over the seasons, they’ve had countless parallels in their dialogue and actions.
They have the same stubbornness, temper, and softness.
And because of this, even if they won’t always agree with each other, they understand each other on a level that no one else does.
His pain is her pain and her pain is his pain.
They are each other's saviors; both depend on each other more than they let on.
They respect and care about what the other thinks. They are equals who challenge each other.
I love that their banter in the books is the same on-screen: funny, flirty, and free.
Not only do they have the best conversations, but in scenes where there are no words, it's just as powerful because their eyes, hands, touching or not touching – their body language speak for them.
People need to take dancing and hugging and cuddling lessons from these two!
Whatever it is, anything they do feels natural.
He shows her how to have fun but can also bring out the Petrova fire in her, while she remains both his weakness and strength – the only person in his life who can send him off the deep end and the only one who can bring out his humanity.
They were made for each other.
The chemistry was there from the very beginning when he planted a kiss on her hand, but I started to ship them when he stroked her cheek while she was sleeping, in the third episode.
She became his home and he had found the one thing that was dearer to him than life itself.
Their story is unlike any other; a perfect slow burn. First bite: on her neck.
First kiss: on his lips.
Flawless couple is flawless.
I love Damon/Elena so much, they are my bbs.
I’m so far gone with this ship; I will ship them for eternity.
Melissa ~ (Brucas <3)

● ● ●

The difference, Elena’s native honesty told her,
was that she didn’t give a damn about any of the others.
But Damon was different.
When he kissed her she could feel the difference inside her.
Something she had never felt before…
Shadow Souls

"The pair have an innate understanding of one another – one that doesn’t require words."

"You're better than this!"

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I need it."
"Like some dark guardian angel, Damon keeps proving his love to Elena."
~ Hitfix


She cared about Damon. She really did.
It was usually difficult being with him
because they were alike in so many ways.
Headstrong, each wanting their own way, passionate, impatient…
She and Damon were alike.
Shadow Souls

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I love Damon and Elena, and it's not because they have amazing chemistry (which they do have) or because I love the good girl/bad boy thing.
Delena story is THE story of TVD for a number of reasons. Damon is a vampire who spent 145 with his humanity switch off.
A switch that a 17 years old girl turned back on.
Those two souls found each other in the most unexpected ways, and right from the start, a magical connection happened.
They shouldn’t care for each other.
They shouldn’t understand each other.
But they do.
Elena is the only person who sees the real Damon, and Damon is the only person who brings out the real Elena into the surface.
Elena doesn’t pretend when she is around him, and Damon leaves his guards down when he is around her.
Their relationship is a roller coaster of emotions: Love and hate mixed together with an amazing intensity.
Damon doesn’t want to feel, because he always ends up getting hurt.
He was always second best: for his father, for Katherine... And he doesn’t want to go through that again.
But he cannot control the way he feels about Elena.
Elena doesn’t want to have feelings for Damon.
Because he is her boyfriend’s brother; Because she doesn’t want to be like Katherine; Because Damon has done terrible things. But she cannot control her heart either.
Their journey is incredible.
This is what an “Epic love story” is all about.
It happens when the feelings are out of control.
It happens not because it “sounds right” but because it “feels right”.
It happens when the feelings are so strong that they overpower all logic.
Damon and Elena had never shared an “I love you speech”;
They just shared a real sweet kiss. But they already own our hearts, because their dynamic and their potential is just... out of this world.
Damon and Elena are the same people deep inside: Strong, passionate and willing to do anything for love.
They have to fight for each other.
They have to fight to get there.
And we will be here.
Every step of the way.
Nia ~ (niadk)

At this moment, there are approximately 38461304325719 reasons why I love Damon and Elena.
And the best part is they continue to keep that number growing every single episode.
But I believe that the main reason I ship them is that their relationship is realistic.
They didn't just happen overnight.
The best love stories take time to develop and build-up is Damon and Elena's specialty.
The beauty of it as viewers is that you get to see them mature as characters and as a couple to ship.
They've grown to trust each other because there has been no pretense since the beginning.
Elena knows about Damon's imperfections, being the evil brother, but she also knows that there is something more to him than meets the eye.
There is a humanity she has brought out of him.
Same goes for Damon, he knows about Elena's weaknesses being a mere human yet he sees the feisty and fierce Elena that he knows is emotionally strong.
They completely balance each other out.
And no one can deny the chemistry these two have.
The looks they keep on sharing can give an Electric Company a run for its money.
Everybody just sees it.
They are THAT intense.
Every scene, may it be extremely hot, romantic, tear-jerking or fun... they make it work.
They always do.
And the parallels... The necklace, the porch, the kitchen, the bed, the bourbon, the road trips, Teddy, saving each other's lives and other awesome parallels I haven't mentioned... these are endgame stuff.
No more denying.
They belong with each other.
While I believe the relationship Damon has with his brother is just as important, I must say that Elena and Damon's story is definitely the heart of the show.
Trish ~ (SaphSeraphine)

● ● ●

She wanted to follow.
Nothing was real. Didn’t he understand?
She could not imagine a universe, no matter how many dimensions there were,
without a Damon in it.
There was no world for her if there was no Damon.

"There’s something about Damon and Elena that gives the viewer the impression that they can read each other’s minds a bit."
~ Zap2it

"Yes, I worry about you. Why do you even have to hear me say it?"
She is expecting Stefan. She gets Damon instead.

Her eyes run over him, over every inch of bare skin, before she catches herself, and wrenches her eyes up to meet him. She suddenly feels very hot, as his eyes glimmer at her. But she covers it with a raised eyebrow. She folds her arms. She won't let him see that she is flustered.

'You look...'







'Wrecked. You look wrecked.'

She forces herself to focus, and she asks him how he's doing. Because she has been worried about him. She has been worried about this monster that is almost a friend.

His words slur, his eyes sparkle with mischief. He's in a playful mood. Elena is the light piercing his darkness.

His fingers slip on the buttons of his shirt, and he glances back at her, eyes round with need, lips turned down in a pout. He asks for her help. She fixes him with a frown, but she steps forward without hesitation, and as she stops in front of him, inches from his bare chest, the smallest smile betrays him.

Something bubbles up inside of her, a giddy feeling. Elena cannot explain why she does it, why she tells him. But she realises she wants too. She wants him to be happy with her. She's happy to share that moment with him.

'So, I met my birth mother.'

'Ugh. Who cares.'

He rolls his eyes, and Elena's widen.

But then he leans that little bit closer, and fixes his eyes on hers. His brighten, warming hers with their boldness. The air between them thickens.

'She left you. She sucks.'

Her lips part. That glow in her eyes is wonder.

She hears footsteps and the spell is broken. She shakes her head, and pushes her hair back. It's a nervous gesture. She says Stefan's name and hates that she sounds breathless.

As Damon leaves the room, he smirks. Looking Elena right in the eye, he buttons up his shirt with ease, and her cheeks burn. It had all been an act. An act to get her close. She spits fury. Her guilt for having been so compelled by Damon, making her blood boil that much more passionately.

[ continue here ]

"I'm here until the very end. I'm not leaving you."
"I love how freely he'll admit his feelings for Elena now."
~ EW


Stefan was her lynchpin,
but Damon was the fiery breath beneath her wings.
However far she went,
Damon seemed to lure her on just a little farther.

● ● ●

Damon and Elena, Elena & Damon.... even sounds poetic, don't you think?
I feel there are no words to describe them.
Their relationship is so, so complex, sometimes they wish to kill each other because they drive each other insane, and sometimes they just want to comfort each other.
It is so interesting to watch every scene of them, no matter the length because this tension is always there.
They see each other as friends because "It will always be Stefan" but deep down we know that's not true and finally, after two seasons they are realizing that too.
It's been a difficult path for them so far.
They fight so much because they are both such passionate characters and that's the same reason why they are the best team when they are working together for a common goal.
They've been friends and enemies but the most important thing is they can't stay away from each other;
They are attracted to each other, and is not just physical.What they have started with an understatement, Elena gets Damon like no one else can and no one else will and Damon brings a side of Elena that few people have seen.
She is carefree and she actually smiles when she is with him. Like I said, they complete each other.
Damon is the freedom and the "5 minutes" to Elena's life and Elena is the light to all the darkness in Damon's life.
She is basically his humanity.
I can say without hesitation that there's so much potential for these two.
They have everything needed to be a never forgotten TV romance.
Caro ~ (heartless_soul)

I admit that what initially drew me to this pairing was how gorgeous they looked together,
but as their story began to unfold all those shallow (albeit understandable) reasons were tossed out the window.
From their very first meeting there was already that undeniable spark between them.
Damon picked up on the different side he brought out of Elena straight away: her spunk, attitude and overall BAMFness that we’ve continued to see throughout her journey in the series.
And in turn, Elena brought out the humanity he had been trying so hard to bury deep inside of him.
We got to see glimpses of this as early as their second meeting with each other and it has been an ongoing difficult and heartbreaking arc this season.
Their romance is epic, not because we’re told that but because it simply is.
Never have I witnessed a pairing with so much range and so many layers that encapsulate our Damon and Elena.
They have the passion, sweetness, angst, snark, humour, sexiness, longing, the light and the dark.
They break your heart while at the same time can make it soar, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Amongst all the pain and agony that these two incredible characters (and us as viewers) have to go through,
they continue to share such breathtaking and beautiful moments filled with gestures of how far they would go to save each other, confessions of love and a heart stopping yet tentative first kiss. Damon/Elena are hands down, the OTP of OTPs.
Steph² ~ (LittleDevotional)

● ● ●

Her fear drained away, and she laughed.
What was wrong with her, to have ever been afraid of him?
They understood each other very well.
The Struggle

"You have every right to hate me. I understand,
but you hated me before, and we became friends.

Thank God for gravity. ~Wolfgang to Kala
I am not ready to say goodbye. ~ Kala to Wolfgang

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