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Old 06-18-2012, 07:27 PM
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Welcome Magnolia Fairy!

Originally Posted by IceKat055 (View Post)
I feel your pain, Bo. Even with the True Blood premiere last weekend (which I thought sucked donkey balls), I just feel so lost. In a few more weeks, I'll start a re-watch. But I don't know what the point is, since I'll be fast-forwarding through most everything that isn't Tyrion, Jaqen, Brienne or J/B.

I would rewatch but I just keep watching the J/B scenes on YT over and over. I need another tv show to help soothe the pain. I am considering Downton Abbey (I think I am one of the few people on earth who doesn't watch that) or The Borgais.

My guess is that Brienne is close with her father, and if he sees a man treating her well, he would approve of the match. Considering that her mother and siblings died, she and her father only have each other Like Currawong said earlier, I hope her father got a message that she escaped Harrenhal.

Clean-shaven S1 Jaime looks so different than S2 hairy Jaime. The latter looks aged and stressed and rugged. As it should be, I know, but they just seem like different people to me (as he will soon be on the show anyway).

I will never ever ever ever tire of the look they give each other here:
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