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Old 06-11-2012, 06:42 AM
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I agree there is violence in that sport and I don't think that it was always like this. There was a time, when it wasn't that violent. But you know there are people and people. I've talked with some people who watch soccer. For example let's say someone that is fan of Barcelona. Most of them (at least in my country, but I guess it might be valid for other countries too) hate Real Madrid's fans.

I give this as an example because I'm Real Madrid fan. Now this has always been mystery for me. While I do have my preferences for certain club, I don't hate anyone. I have different opinion than others, but I don't hate them. I don't attack them, I don't offend them. I'm sure you think the same. I enjoy the game, I might like some team more than others, but I watch soccer because I like it.

But then there is this problem with players. I'm sorry to say this, but there are players that are good on the court, but not so good as person or behavior and the fans follow their example. When their favorite player offends someone, they don't see the problem, they think that it's normal. All those sportsmen need to set the example and change the situation right now. They however do the opposite - they make stupid (even dangerous) fouls, they offend other team's players, they provoke the public even with some words (Christiano Ronaldo comes in mind). Soccer is not about words, it's about the game, but right now soccer is one good well working machine for money. We all know that in Europe and Latin America (I don't know about USA) the soccer is the most watched sport - with a lot of advertising, with a lot of money invested in teams. It's about money. People liked the sport and they made those tournaments (World Cup, Euro Cup, Champions league where not only the champions play, League Europe) and it's all about the money. With attitude like this, there won't be any respect in that sport.

I used to watch soccer a lot more. You know my father took me to the stadium to see soccer game when I was 6 (and that's how I started watching it religiously). Now I won't go there, because the fans beat each other in the stadium. That's insane, but that's what they are doing. Not so much of racism, but a lot of violence. Those people arrange meetings to beat each other. I can't understand this, but it's the majority of people here. It's one of the reason why I dislike the people here. I'm against violence unless it's for self defense.

As for why they are not brought to justice, because whenever they try, the media has one good story about racism. The media in my country suck. They manipulate people (usually being paid by the government), telling them lies which is why I don't rely on them. I read foreign papers and sites.

In my country the problem is that most people that are good in sports have trained all their life, so they don't have very good education. And that influence their behavior. It's not always valid, but it's somehow true. I know that in your country is different, because you have college sport, so those people still go to college. In We do have sports university, but the good players are not there. This school is more for the ones that might become later coaches.
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