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Old 06-10-2012, 06:57 PM
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See the thing is I'm not sure that there is no racism in other sports. I just think that the modern opinion is that there is racism in soccer, so reporters have their story whenever there is some conflict between players. All I'm saying is that for me they blow off that thing.

I don't know how many of you remember the famous red card of Zidene in World Cup 2006. He head headbutting Materazzi and all talked that he did something wrong, which is true. No one started talking how Materazz deserved it and I'm sorry but it's not like he was innocent. That boy doesn't play soccer, he offends people and attacks them with a risk of injury. But all they showed is what Zidane did, they can't show what Materazzi said to him. This way data could be always manipulated.

That's my problem, I can't judge without knowing the whole truth. It's like that incident with the fire in my country. If I don't know about the murder, I would tell that people shouldn't set on fire someone else's house, but when you know the killing before that, it makes the things different. I still hear reporter talking about racism though. When it wasn't racism, it was revenge for killing innocent man because the police didn't do anything.

Unfortunately about 90 % from the gypsies are like this. By the way despite everything my father still offers job to those people. I'm not intersting in helping in the plantations and my mother has problems with her hand, so she can't lift heavy stuff, so he hires them for that work. He tries to help them earn money honestly, but even those people that agree to do it are slacking and lazy and do less work than they could do, just because that's how they learn. They have no education, they marry at 13 years old age and have kids at 14 and I'm sorry but that's just wrong. I do think that 13 years old is a kid and can't be a parent.

We offer them integrating, they have a right to go to school, but they don't want to do it. Most of them have elementary school education because that's obligatory according our laws and then they stop. Why? Because they don't want to study, when they can use the time to rob. They even go abroad to rob people and then all people hate us Bulgarians because we are thieves.

Of course it's the government's fault too. I just think that the media sometimes are doing their story and racism is a juicy thing so why not? I'm not sure that all cases are 100 % legitimate.

For basketball is a bit different. We all know who are better in basketball and the percentage of that people in the sport. You can't have racism when the percentage is like that. There are a lot of factors to see it this way.

By the way I'm not saying if it's true, because I don't know, but do you have stories in USA with racism in the society? Like arresting someone because of their skin, accusing them in murder? Now I've read such stories in the papers, but I don't know if it's true. However I don't read such things in Europe. So I guess in Europe it's in soccer, in your country it may be somewhere else.
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