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Old 06-10-2012, 09:47 AM
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Since we started talking about racism, I think that it's better to discuss it here. I hope you don't mind.

This is my opinion about racism and I’m sorry if it’s too long to read.

First I want to say that I’m against racism because I’m against the whole idea of putting people in some groups and judge them on some generic principle. I’m just seeing the whole picture a bit differently and I don’t think the black people are the only ones screwed here.

That said I do have some things to say about racism in general and racism and soccer. Now why don’t we have racism in other sports?

I don’t know what it is in USA, so I can’t say too much about that. I do know how it’s in Europe. Soccer is the most popular sport – this means larger group of fans with different ideas, culture and opinions. Also we should mention that soccer is the team sport with the largest team (again in Europe) – 11 persons so larger group to choose players with different culture, skin color and behavior. Of course like every other sport, there is rivalry here, fans disliking each other etc. At some point the only way to attack each other is to use the color skin. And this means racism, but it’s normal with larger group of people liking the sport to have more racists.

So I agree that we see a lot of racism in soccer, but that’s problem of the society. However while I do agree with voicing the racism as issue, I don’t think that this always helps.

Let me tell you a story. We have some kind of racism in our country and it’s because of the gypsies. See they are one big part of our nation and not all Bulgarians are too happy about it and they want them out of the country. So reading this a lot of you think that this is racism. Right?

We do have our reasons. My father for example is not their biggest fan and I kind of not blame him. In my town the gypsies are more than half of the population. My father (and a lot of our relatives) grows little plantations of apple trees. So one summer day he goes to his plantation to check things out or do something (I don’t remember) with his tractor. However when he approaches the plantation he hears some unfamiliar voices. For a minute there he realizes that there are about 20 gypsies there. So he tries to escape since he’s alone. They are armed with some bats or other spikes like this made from iron. He gets up on the tractor, but they go after him and attack him. Till today you can see how the wheel of the tractor is broken in at least 3 spots. He managed to escape in the first house in the town he knows, he calls the police and his relatives who have plantations there too. Now 15 years later they still don’t know who did this and the police does nothing because you see they are gypsies and if they sue them, it will be called racism. Damn racism. Those bastards (yes I call them that since they are thieves who attacked my father and that means that I won’t respect them) could have killed him if he didn’t escape. But since we are humans who don’t want to be racists we do nothing. And that’s why there are racists, because they disagree with this. So the problem is out there. People should be judged by fairness – no matter if someone is black, white, yellow or whatever. However I want also to be allowed to sue someone when he’s done something to me and not care that someone might think that this is racism. Now however this is not possible, because the media twists it every time as racism since this is modern topic.

Gypsies in my country don’t pay their bills (and no one goes against them since you know if we do this we will be racists according to the European union), they rob us like nothing (Oh I have a story about this too), they have at least 7 kids (while we barely afford one) and don’t work because living out of robbery is perfectly fine. And whenever someone of us tries to say something we are blamed for being racists. Sorry I don’t feel racist. The fact that they are minority in my country and might be objected to racism doesn’t mean that they should be allowed to do whatever they want.

Another story. It was summer day (yep coincidence), I was 10th grade and I had a walk in the near town Plovdiv. I was upset about something, so I didn’t pay too much attention. Yeah I know I should have, but it’s also not a crime to be upset about something. So I got approached by 10 gypsies and they took my phone. Well technically the phone that my parents bought me with their money. Of course they have pretty good system, so you can’t find your phone. They even had the arrogance to tell me that I was imagining. Right. So I just looked at the girl trying to be too smart at me and I told her that I wish the phone break in her hands so that she knows to not gain money from someone else and tries to learn the concept of working. Did I feel racist? No I didn’t. I was the one that had to explain to my parents that the phone they bought me was lost. I was the one that had to relive that day 10 million times asking myself what I did wrong, so they robbed me. I was the one that had to go to the phone company and take care of everything. I am the one who every day walks on the streets and is extra careful because someone might rob her. But if I call them idiots I would be racist? Right, I feel neglected and disrespected for the fact that they never found my phone, nor the idiots that try to kill my father. I’m the one being hurt and disrespected here, not them.

Now this doesn’t mean that I hate gypsies. Sure I don’t, but I’m extra careful because I haven’t seen anything good from them. And I’m sorry but all I’ve heard is stories how they beat up people and rob them. I have to be careful around them. It might be prejudice, but this is about my life. That doesn’t mean that I offend them. I will offend them if they offend me or attack me. But I will offend everyone that does something like that to me.

Racism does exist, but this problem doesn’t hurt only black people or the ones that are thought to being subjected to racism officially. It hurts also the ones that had a right to do something, but due to the hype for racism, they are the ones being left with injustice.

Let me ask you something. If a black man on the street attacks you and you get mad and call him ‘You black idiot’ who will be guilty? Are you racist because you yelled at him? Was he right to attack you? What would be the injustice here?

In soccer players offend each other all the time no matter the skin color. The media however shows every time when white man offends black man. So what about the footage where black man offends white one? Why those are not shown? That’s racism too. How about next time they show something like this show the whole story. Usually no one comes to me to offend me unless I said something. People don’t just get the signal from the space to call people names. There is a reason and I want to see that reason before calling someone racist. And yes in a lot of cases there is a reason, but with a reason there is no good story for the papers. Yes there are cases where people are fanatics and racists, but not all cases like this. Nowadays however they are all called acts of racism.

This doesn’t mean that I approve racism. I just want justice for all people no matter the skin color and I disagree that the black people are the only that are screwed. Oh we white people have been screwed too because they take advantage of the situation and call every conflict being act of racism.

The last Rookie Blue episode reminded me of something that I've hear a lot of times. A police officer kills a black man, so they call the officer racist and they decide to make a thorough investigation so that they are sure that officer had a reason to kill him. That’s totally fine, my problem is that if this was white man they wouldn’t do such detailed investigation. They wouldn’t do it because they feel guilty that he might have killed innocent man; they do it so that there is no accusation of the police being racists. Now my question is why they care only when the killed is black. That is unfair. I (as white person) feel offended by this. For me it’s racism against my type of population. No one talks about this though. And I ask why. Why no one cares about that? A lot of people become racists because of this.

Example from my country last year. Gypsies bully white man (about 20) and threaten his life. He goes to the police, but they can't do anything since they are no proofs. The next day the boy is killed by guess who ... gypsies. All white people get pissed at this because this is not the fist case where gypsies kill or hurt someone and no one does anything since we don't want to be called racists. So they take revenge and burn the house of the gypsies that did this (to be exact one of their houses since they own around 10). Those white people are put in jail because they did a crime (totally fine) and are called racists. The gypsies? They are not in jail, they are free to kill someone else. Who is screwed up here?
I am an ancient soul in a modern body, with a futuristic state of mind.
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