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Old 06-07-2012, 06:18 AM
Master Fan

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Barney: I shoul-n't even be here, thanks to that -eath tra-. But -ate, -ate gave -e a secon- -han-e an- hel-e- -e reali-e that our -ays on this -lanet are too -e- to s-uan-er. So I -e-i-e- -ro- that -o-ent on, to continue living li-e to its -ullest.
Lily: So you -a-e a li-e -hanging -e-ision to not -hange your li-e at all.
Barney: True story.
"She's so beautiful that every time you look at her, your knees tremble, your heart just melts,
and you know right then and there, without any reservations, that there's order and meaning to the Universe."
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