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Old 05-29-2012, 06:56 PM
You can't kill me!
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Originally Posted by Bailey030303 (View Post)
I know where you are coming from trust me. I guess her heart was in the right place although her methods left much to be desired. Edward I don't recall was to torn up over it...or was he?
Edward wasn't at all torn up about it Edward is a beautiful, forgiving man though... he let's alot of his loved ones get away with things that I don't particularly agree with... but then again he wouldn't be Edward if he wasn't such an understanding, compassionate and generous young man.. would he?!!

Alice for me is what Rosalie is for alot of people... Alice is the one Cullen who just does certain things that bother me I have noticed that many people have similar issues with Rosalie... it's just for me.. Alice is the one that I can only tolerate in small doses... whereas I adore Rosalie.. Rose I get.. I understand her and I connect really well with her.
"You sang to me in a crowded bar. So I am here to tell you, Alexander Manes, I'm home" - Michael Guerin
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