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Old 05-29-2012, 05:14 AM
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I just don't have the time to stop by his board there's many a board I'd like to pop in on wouldn't that be AMAZING if he read your post?
Yeah its hard keeping up with all the boards. I havent even been there in a while. And yes it would be beyond amazing if he read my post

Ohmygosh imagine Chad knew your love for him/Tristan, Meg?
I wish he did. I keep waiting to hear him speak about Tristan. I mean hasn't he gotten bored of speaking about Lucas

I stalked his twitter just to retweet him retweeting about his board
Thats something I would do. And trust me I have given it a lot of thought. I dont have twitter but I would get it just so I could send him messages! But then I thought about it and I wouldn't have anything to say other than go on and on about Tristan Dugray...might seem a bit creepy

On the GG Trory thread, we're at 259 threads. I think that should get a shout out from him dont you think? Or at least when we get to the 260th. Its the highest Rory couple thread for a couple that never was and a guy that was on the show for 11 episodes!

Yeah, he's actually been retweeting our twitter account since April when he came to Chicago. Amelia (my co-mod) and I met at the comic con he attended here and he knows about us. Not sure if you all heard, but he was asked during his Q&A what his favorite character has been to date and he flat out said Tristan with a big smile.

OMG....I'm seriously squeeling. I had to take a moment before I could make this post. I hadn't heard about it at all! I can't believe he said he's favourite character was Tristan. Aaaahhhhhhhh!! Is there a video of this? I swear I'll cherish it forever! Thanks so much for letting us know. I'm so happy! Oh did he say Tristan Dugray or just Tristan? I want to hear him say the name

Do you mind if I post your post on the GG Trory thread? They would love to hear about it there

Okay I've had my teenage girl moment. I havent done that in 10 years when I first saw Chad/Tristan on GG
Tristan Dugray & Rory Gilmore
262 Threads
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