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Old 05-22-2012, 08:43 PM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Apr 2012
Posts: 709

I started a story on the other thread and here is part 3. I think you will love the surpirse at the end.

Chapter 3

Rachel was holding unto Frank. She had told him in his ear that nothing happened with Portman; because as pissed as she was it was him she loved and wanted.

“I couldn’t do it Frank.”

She was still holding onto him, but slowly let go. Frank was smiling. His blue eyes locked on her brown ones.”

“Thank you, Rachel,” he said. She nodded her head slowly in acknowledgement. “I love you, too.”

She was relieved, but knew that he loved her when he nearly lay down his life to save hers, nevertheless, hearing it was very reassuring. She turned and looked at the jet waiting for her to return for take-off. She stepped back and looked at Frank, her face full of tears, she smiled and went back to the plane, within minutes Rachel was air borne.

Frank watched her walk to the plane and board, a piece of her would always be with him.

On the plane Rachel was very quiet. She stared out the window for most of the flight. The stewardess momentarily broke her thoughts by politely asking, “Can I get you anything? Perhaps, something to drink?” she smiled kindly. Her smile made Rachel want to cry, but her strong spirit kicked in.

“Yes, a scotch please.”

Rachel wasn’t really a drinker. But she had her first concert tonight and she had to pull it together. She leaned back in her seat, closed her eyes and his face was in front her hers.


Three Months Later

Rachel was due to sing at a Palladium, but electrical and plumbing problems delayed it by three days. She had been looking forward to it, but they could not have an electrical mishap and so she sucked it up.

She called Bill and the two talked and decided to go down and have a bite to eat.

It was quite in the hotel lobby which gave Rachel a sense of comfort. Her bodyguard joined them a few minutes later. He sat two tables away. Bill looked over and smiled. This guy was good as Farmer had promised, but Bill missed
Farmer. Convincing him to protect Rachel turned out to be the best thing he ever did. Tony had come down and so the other BG went back to check the floor and surrounding areas.

Bill and Rachel both had roast beef, mashed potatoes and green beans. Rachel finished first.

“So you were hungry?”

“Yeah, it seems I was,” she replied with her usual spunk. Bill smiled.

“Excuse me,” she said getting up.

Tony saw her move and watched her, he started to get up. She walked over to his table. “I’m sorry Tony,” she said sincerely he was half way through his meal.

“I’m just gonna run to the ladies room.,”

“Rach,” he started, throwing down his napkin to go with her. She put her hand up.

‘No Tony, really if something looks strange I’ll yell my head off,” she walked away before he could respond.

Rachel went out of the restaurant and into a long hall; she saw the sign and continued to the door, she went in carefully, listening for any other life form. Farmer, she thought I’m picking up your ways, she smiled. She missed him. It hit her, today for some reason she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

She did her business, washed her hands and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a light waist length coat and a scarf over her head. She opened the door and walked out with her head down, looking at the hotel carpet. Nice pattern she thought. When she knew anything she hit something. She started to apologize, and then she wanted to get away before she was recognized. She didn’t mind it she loved it actually but she was enjoying her meditation at the moment if it could be called that.

“I’m sorry,” she started in apologizing. It was her fault she should have looked up but when she came out no one was there.

The figure was in front of her but saying nothing.

Finally, frustrated she moved back to walk around him but something made her look up. Standing in front of her was Frank Farmer!
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