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Old 05-22-2012, 06:28 PM
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Joined: May 2012
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by EricaCallieShipper (View Post)
For those interviewers it shouldn't be a condition that he has to discuss Whitney that's not very nice, if he doesn't want to discuss her then he shouldn't that should be his choice no one else's. They should just leave him alone on Whitney he's still grieving & very hurt it's bad enough she's gone, but now he's got to talk about like no tomorrow because that's what those reporters want and that isn't right.
Ya it's unfortunate. But that's the way the biz is and PR works sometimes. There is almost always some kind of trade-off and everything regarding Whitney Houston is a hot topic right now. I'm pretty sure Kevin knows this (as his publicist would brief him beforehand) and he's been doing fine so far. Hence, the writing letters story.


That Access Hollywood interviewer was slick though. She even tried to get Kevin to say something negative about the BK's future reality show endeavor. Despite every logical person knowing this reality show a disaster in waiting. Kevin put a positive spin on it. I loved his response. Classy.

Last edited by emeraldgemstone; 05-22-2012 at 06:36 PM
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