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Old 05-22-2012, 05:57 PM
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Originally Posted by EricaCallieShipper (View Post)
I don't want them to keep on digging for information on their relationship that's Kevney's business no one else's their relationship should stay private like it has been all this time, but I like how he's dropping the subtle hints without giving away too much that's the way it should stay forever.
The selfish and curious part of me wants it all. Now. But I hear ya. For now I'll just settle for the little tidbits Kevin be dropping here and there. However, in future interviews I wouldn't be surprised if he is even more guarded with his responses. He knows they're fishing. He's supposed to be promoting Hatfields/McCoys, but if I'm to assume that was the whole interview that's airing on TV, everything was about Whitney/TBG. Even more, it could be possible, that he is getting some of these major interviews/publicity for Hatfields on the condition that he discuss Whitney. There is renewed interest in Mr. Costner, so could be.


I think that Whitney really was Kevin's dream, his perfect woman, his one true love (according to the false statement that he did not release but thinks is sweet and thoughtful and did not deny, and which can also be inferred from his own statements and the way he acted when he was around her).
I absolutely agree. I keep thinking back to Whitney's "This is my life" 1992 TV special. I know the parts where Kevin's describing Whitney have been edited. But I would love to get the full context of the part where he states the "She's the One." Like even his body language when he said. Dude was blushing. Kevin was seriously enamored with Whitney.

Last edited by emeraldgemstone; 05-22-2012 at 06:08 PM
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