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Old 05-22-2012, 04:25 PM
casual observer
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Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 197
Originally Posted by azgirl (View Post)
Quite the presentation you put together - good job! If we didn't know better, we could think maybe he looked angry because someone tried to flirt with the wife. Nahh, don't think that's it! She sure looks happy!
Thanks--glad you appreciate my tongue-in-cheek presentation. Unfortunately it reflects reality for him and I sincerely wish it didn't. I'm sure the reason she looks happy is because she just loves being in front of the cameras. She's always been like that and I am certain it is one of the primary reasons she targeted a celebrity to begin with--she's a classic parasitic hanger-on. I'm just shocked that as much a man-of-the-world that he is, he couldn't recognize it right from the start and not get entangled to begin with.

He was a willing participant--but now he's obviously paying a steep price. Let's face it ladies--the man does not look happily married. He looks utterly, totally miserable. Either that or he's--for whatever reason--just pretending to be trapped in an unhappy, dysfunctional relationship. Poor kids. That's not a good role-model couple to pattern themselves after later in life. I wish he'd remember how his own parents interacted--I'm sure his father didn't look like that whenever he was with his mother. That makes a big difference growing up and how you view marriage and relationships in general. Those of us (as I'm sure he was) who grew up with two loving parents--loving not only to their kids but to each other--are truly blessed.

I know some of you think that he should keep the marriage together simply because of the fact that there are 3 kids involved. I otoh think that he's doing more harm than good to those kids by presenting this role model. And what about his first wife Cindy--was she uncaring about her kids because she filed for divorce? I don't think any of you who are saying he must stay for the sake of his young kids would ever fault Cindy for tossing good ol' Kevin out for his conduct during the marriage. We know she was well within her rights to--even with children in the picture. I think being as used and as miserable as he is being married to CB (from all appearances), he would also be well within his rights to cut ties--he's already hung in there too long.

Originally Posted by zoe1990 (View Post)
It's kind of hard to argue with your photo essay, CO! I'm almost ready to offer a reward to anyone who can find a photo of Kevin and CB where Kevin doesn't look utterly despondent (I mean, I might even count one where he just looks "a little blue" as a marked improvement). ...
just saw your post zoe--I know--we should put up a prize for anyone who can post a picture of him looking joyful with CB. An unphoto-shopped one that is. ha ha.

Originally Posted by zoe1990 (View Post)
I sure hope that those pictures don't reflect their reality, because if they do, that just can't be good for anyone in that family!
That's exactly what I meant in my reply above. It's not healthy for those kids to be seeing this and patterning after it. If he can't conceal his mood and feelings for a few brief hours for the sake of the cameras, then I doubt he's hiding anything at home on a 24/7/365 basis.

Last edited by casual observer; 05-22-2012 at 04:32 PM
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