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Old 05-22-2012, 11:04 AM
secretlife esminovela
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Originally Posted by ჌Mitra (View Post)
Whoa, TFTNT!

As for the pregnancy, I want to see Ramy pregnant again for sure.

I think Amy wants to be married, as others have stated, I think she's just scared because of her parents past, and maybe everyone else around her. In the last episode, in the last Ramy scene, Amy says, "but if we don't get married" - meaning from her, that if they don't get married, then there's no chance that they'll get divorced. She's just scared, it all stems from insecurity.

I love Amy, I do, but her behavior in this ep annoyed me a lot lol, and I guess her behavior in this whole last half as well. I have to understand I guess that she's this teenage girl, with a lot of responsibilities. I also have to remember that Ricky pissed me off last half too, along with a lot of other last halfs LOL, so him being awesome right now doesn't excuse any past behavior either, and doesn't really make him superior to Amy as well. It's not as if Ricky has been awesome awesome all the time, either. I just hope people aren't forgetting about that lol. But at times like this, I guess it's hard not to forget, when someone is acting one way, in contrast to someone who's acting a different way. It invokes, and initiates, an instant reaction that a viewer would watch, like me, that goes a bit like "THAT BTCH"

So, what I think what they're trying to show here, is basically show the two sides of a story, from each person, in a relationship, who's trying to get what they want, and what the other person wants, into full circle, but there being obstacles in the way. In Ramy's case, they always want what the other wants. They want each other, they want to be a family with John. It's as simple as that. But the catch with Ramy, is that they have this insecurity that hasn't been fully dissolved yet. Amy's insistence on not wanting to get married so fast, is having Ricky getting insecure, and Ricky's insistence on getting married is having Amy feel insecure. There are other insecurities that have been pointed out, as well as in this ep, like feeling like the other doesn't want the other, as much as they do, feeling like their feelings aren't mutual. It kind of goes along with what Ricky said in this ep "you don't have any time for me", or something like that. Which is understandable, along with what it went along with. So it's not completely out there with their emotions, it's pretty on point I would say. So it's understandable, even if it is annoying lol. We all know that it's going to work out with them, though. It's going to come full circle, with them both putting their petty insecurities aside. I just hope that after this season, the insecurities of Ricky/Amy will be over, and by that, their relationship will be even more stronger, and consistent with that fact, than ever before. The most awesome thing about Ramy is that they're always developing, and that's what makes them exciting, and that's what makes them the most popular couple on SL, and one of the most popular couples on a teen show today. It's totally deserved, now writers, don't screw it up LOL. I'm just kidding, they know what they're doing, we're just going to have to stick it out with the angst guys. In the end, it'll all be worth it.

I do not want anything with another pregnancy ramy ... But beautiful words MItra, completely agree with everything else!
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