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Old 05-21-2012, 11:34 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jan 2012
Posts: 148
Originally Posted by ScarletCourt (View Post)
Yeah, JF was filming Titanic from April - July of last year while filming S2 from March - October. He was probably working first drafts of Romeo and Juliet as well (which is filming now)
Thanks, it might explain some things then!

Originally Posted by ScarletCourt (View Post)
I actually expected that things wouldn't come to a conclusion by the S2 C/S and that Mary would spend some time in America with Matthew chasing her down before they would finally come together at the end of S3 to give it a full arc.
You know what, even if I thought the CS was perfect, I would have liked to see Mary going to America with Anna, and then having Matthew chase her down! It would have angsty and FUN! :-) I can imagine the last seconds of the CS with Matthew saying to Isobel, after Mary has left "Mother, I'm going for her!"

Originally Posted by ScarletCourt (View Post)
Still, I would have liked to know why Matthew loved Lavinia enough to propose to her.
Since a lot of things are left to our imagination I think of it this way: Matthew has been left totally heartbroken so when he meets Lavinia he sees in her something completely different from Mary. She is lovely, pretty, quiet, how can you not like her? Matthew finds himself drawn to her, and since it's wartime, and there is no certainty about the future, he takes a chance. He thinks he might be happy with her, because she sounds like a safe harbour where to come home.
So to some extent I think he loved her, but not and never as much as Mary.
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