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Old 05-20-2012, 02:15 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: May 2012
Posts: 416
Judson saw what was happening between her and Wade so easily, I'm just wondering how George hasn't seen it. Even when Wade and George were in jail and Wade told him to back off Zoe he was talking more about himself and Lemon than Wade and Zoe. He has never mentioned Wades feelings.
And I think the way Wade pushes Zoes buttons is good for, she says it takes a day for her to relax for Judson but with Wade its just comfortable. Theres no strain on releationship and no need to plan out loads of things. With the right person, things just flow. She just hasn't noticed the flow before with Wade.

And Zoes life so far, thinks she wants to live in NY, comes to Bluebell. Loves Bluebell.
Thinkgs she wants to be with George, gets with Wade. Loves Wade
At least I'm hoping for that last bit to happen
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