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Old 05-16-2012, 08:07 PM
Melissa Ann
Elite Fan
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In the end, it turned out that there were three little girls at Angelfield. Miss Vida Winter was the 'ghost' referred to by the Missus, John-the-Dig and the Governess, Hester. Although the Missus, Ms. Dunne and John Digence knew of her and when they found her loitering in John's shed, dirty, hungry with scratches and infections, they cleaned her up, only to discover she had the same emerald eyes and red hair as the twins.

Leading them to discover that this was Charlie's child from when he went rampant at the 'loss' of his sister Isabelle to the asylum. He was careless and used girls for his own selfish means.

So the little girl was the 'ghost girl' and no one ever knew she existed.
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