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Old 04-23-2004, 07:07 AM
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American magazine called "TWIST".

Snag a Dream Prom Date
-Josh Hartnett-
When it comes to love, guys like Josh are super-sensitive and hopelessly devoted. That means game-playing is a definite no-no for girls who want to win his heart. Interested gals should be straight-forward and tell him what they're really thinking. Those who do will be rewarded with a catch like Josh - who's as thoughtful as they get and extra-protective of his special girl. Of his hometown girlfriend, Ellen, he says: "She's not famous and I don't want the press to hound her because she's not all about that." Aw! Sounds like he's the guy to have by your side at the prom- the kind of date who'd lend his date the jacket of his tux if it rained, or tell her annoying ex to bug off when he asks her to dance.

Josh says he used to like lots of attention from the ladies, but now he wants his life to be "about just one girl".

Prom tale: "I was eating burritos with this girl and she asked me to be her prom date. How could I say no? We went and had a great time."
this isnīt a new article cause well prom is over and he and ellen have split up.
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