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Old 04-02-2012, 07:10 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Feb 2012
Posts: 100
Oh man, I've caught up with what's been happening and I AM NOT IMPRESSED.
I naively thought the writers wouldn't actually go down the Siam having sex road...though I wasn't surprised at the same time. I dunno I guess I just couldn't face up to the fact that the Lannie hope is dimming out a little - don't worry it's still there, there's just a whole pile of Siam BS fog in front of it. BOOOOO
But yeah, rushed, emotional drunk sex is never good for a couple...I don't think. (racking my brain here for any example of a tv couple were this sex has proved beneficial...any?)
My denial hypothesis believes it won't last.

*waiting impatiently for Siam to be over*

Yeah, I am so dumb. I thought that he would come back to her.
I was convinced that Liam 'finding' himself would make Lannie stronger. Even in the premier of S4 - before the Proposal of All Fails - when Annie was all annoyed with Liam for not contacting her all summer. I was like; 'Pfft. Don't worry, they'll sort it out. No probs. Lannie will be fiiiiine.'
Good I was so wrong. Liam should have never left on that stupid boat!

In another universe Liam never met Jane, Lannie are engaged and happy, and Silver is off being a journalist.
I'm residing here atm.
Also, resorting to fanfics. There's a few great Lannie stories out there, that I just keep rereading in my Lannie bubble, with the Lannie song list on in the background...State of Our Affairs FTW!.

Silver has been bothering me since season 3 after the whole triangle.. and she just went downhill from there..
This is when Silver became tainted for me. S1 she was my favourite female after Annie and I liked her just fine in S2. But her and Navid in S3 was just WTF?? Like no. I just couldn't get it. And I hated that Silver would go ahead and do something like that. I never cared much for Navid, but HE surprised me too. I know Ade was a bit of a b**ch back then but still...not cool Nilver, not cool.

Now IMHO, as much as I hate Siam (and God I really really hate them)...if in some bizarre world Annie didn't exist or in an even messed up world where Lannie for some reason just didn't work (HA!) Silver and Liam would make more sense than Silver and Navid...even if they do look related lol.

But that's just my humble opinion and besides things are not like that; Annie does exist and Lannie DOES make so much freaking sense that it baffles me why they are not together (like seriously writers, what's your beef with Lannie??)

Ideally for me, the good non-**** Silver would still be with Dixon, Navid and Ade would be together and obviously without a doubt Lannie would be going strong. But alas, none of this is so.

*sigh* I have a feeling I need to start looking for a new ship to obsessively ship you guys, all mine are either sinking or have reached their destination.
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