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Old 03-27-2012, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Gelfling (View Post)
Let's hope so. They were both shot while RP was on hiatus though, right?

If only they hadn't been delayed, I'm pretty sure the ratings would have higher too! Many people were waiting for A/K to defrost since last year. But hey, 9 million people clinging to the show even through delays and dragging storylines... not too shabby, right?
I hope whatever's coming for K/L, they'll make it last at least into the beginning of next season.
Yes, but when she did TGW S2 ep, the other network only allowed one episode, and there weren't any photos. Now there's photo's, press releases, and more than one episode. Plus look at JF on Tweeter, she's not shying away from promoting herself on a non-USA Network show.

Well... we can always demand those web episodes of KALINDA♥LAND of Kalinda and Lana.

I'm not particulary interested in seeing who the ex-husband is unless it's a killer storyline, a great actor and meaningful for Kalinda character development to evaluate her current place in S4. Maybe to contrast the Kalinda story to Alicia's history. Different journey, but perhaps in the same moment of life stage in S4.

Originally Posted by Boots Electric (View Post)
are you thinking they'll leave it open ended because JF tweeted something today saying she was curious to see how the storyline will play out on TGW? Just wondering.
Actually, yes and no. I think what JF may have meant is she only knows her parts of the episode. Doesn't know what Archie and JM film in their scenes for Ep 20 or what ends up in the final broadcasted show to follow thru for Ep 21 and the finale.
TGW S4: Kalinda and FBI Agent D!! oh yes Nick needs to go NOW!

Last edited by AnewFriend; 03-27-2012 at 07:32 PM
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