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Old 03-24-2012, 02:44 PM
Obsessed Fan

rishik5's Avatar
Joined: Apr 2011
Posts: 5,201
Well, Our Town is a masterpiece compared to the other two plus, the opening scene and the porch scene are
Yes, i guess for those scenes i can forgive this writer but the rest of episode - i didn't like at all.

I'm just watching the Canadian promo non-stop and daydreaming about next episode
Thats how i spent yesterday i watched those three seconds like three hundred times I'm crazy, i know it.
Tyler/Caroline Jack/Kate Jake/Peyton Deeks/Kensi Brooke/Lucas Brandon/Kelly Brenda/Dylan Barney/Robin
Chase/Alex Clark/Lana Seth/Summer Sabrina/Harvey Damon/Elena Hyde/Jackie Stiles/Lydia
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