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Old 03-24-2012, 12:40 PM
blue winter roses
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^IA. From a shipper's standpoint it was important to me to know if RHr ended up together. However, the HP story in itself wasn't a romance. That's not to say who ended up with who or what they're families were like didn't matter. I'm just saying it didn't matter as much as what changed, and how things got better (for the characters, the wizarding world, etc.), as a result of this 7 year long struggle to save the world from the most dangerous wizard of all time. Just saying Harry's scar didn't hurt and all was well wasn't enough. How was it well is what I wanted to know. It was an adventure series and I did read 7 books, so I think I at least deserved an answer to that... and one where I shouldn't have to track down all the post-series interviews to get it. If the epilogue wasn't going to fulfill the need I felt it should've fulfilled then I have no use for it.

I mean it's certainly nice to know RHr had two kids and RHr are one of my favorite things about the series. And it is important to know they had a happy ending but if their kids' names had been something I was supposed to imagine for myself, that would've been fine with me because that wasn't what I ultimately read the HP books for. Whether it's Rose and Hugo or Jen and Tim really doesn't enhance or detract from the story in the grand scheme of things, though I do love the names Rose and Hugo.
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