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Old 03-01-2012, 08:13 PM
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We also need ourselves a Caroline/Tyler support group, no? With the way they are butchering those two...oy.

Ha, I'd actually ship Bay and Wilke! I wonder what the background is for Wilke. I don't know how long he's been living in Mission Hills, but I got the feeling him, Bay and Toby hung out a lot. I could have seen them having a spin-the-bottle kiss as Bay seems like a guy's girl.

The drunk thing could work, but drunk doesn't equal an excuse to cheat. I HATE when people say that. "I was drunk." So not an excuse. If he's drunk and still messes around with Simone he absolutely deserves whatever Bay decides to dole out. That just seems like a lot of trouble to go to though, but I guess if she just turns up and goes "Hey, I slept with Emmett," Bay wouldn't believe her, unless she does it in front of Emmett and he kind of waffles.

If anything I'd see her texting the video or picture or whatever, but not putting it for the whole world to see.
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