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Old 02-23-2012, 04:52 AM
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suite I would send you a private message but you don't have them turned on! I'm not sure what you mean by the episode of Belle and Rumple being an auto conclusive episode when they are bringing Belle back and making it into another story line. Of course she wont be on there as a regular right now, or perhaps not ever. But she still is a character on the show nonetheless! My response wasn't suggesting that you would bash the character/Emilie, but there have been a lot of negativity toward her. Of course everyone has a right to their own opinion, but I just have never seen you in here, maybe I'm a blind as bat I've known to miss a lot. So I was confused as to why it would be posted elsewhere. Emilie can be on both shows, it's an ABC show so there wouldn't be a problem with her guest starring on one and being on another. I'm very sorry you felt as though I was attacking you, I wasn't and I hope in the future you'll come here more often if you're a fan of the character/actress and enjoy the posts as I have!

And to the mods I'm sorry this even happened here. I meant no harm nor was I trying to personally attack anyone.

At least so far no other news mentions of the new show, but thankfully it is on ABC if she were to do it it would be like getting double the dosage of Emilie! And it kind of makes me smile that Robert is now following Emilie on twiiter.

Last edited by divaduck; 02-23-2012 at 05:30 AM
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