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Old 02-02-2012, 08:25 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jan 2012
Posts: 176
Yeah I don't see anything that confirms WHO the stunt double was for, just that he was very attractive. So I'd guess either The Stranger or The Hatter.

The Hatter jumping out of the window and pulling some sort of "Hat Trick" would make the most sense to me. I've seen a couple things on tumblr speculating that Charming is the one who falls, as a result of some sort of Regina revenge, but it doesn't appear if Josh Dallas was even on set for this episode, so that doesn't make sense at all. (Although it does look like Mary is wearing the same coat/outfit she's wearing when she's talking to David in the street?)

Anyways, I am curious to find out when the next "Snowing" episode is after 13. I'm looking so forward to that episode, but very curious about what is going to happen in the aftermath to likely keep them apart. If he leaves Kathryn in 13, I'd think that Regina is going to do something within that same episode, if not very soon after, if she's going to.
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