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Old 01-31-2012, 06:36 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 375
Some comments about Skin Deep from Jane Espenson who wrote the Episode:
What else can you tease about what's to come this season on Once Upon a Time?
A: Oh, so much good stuff! Look to see Belle, in our take on Beauty and the Beast, which I wrote and am so proud of. And you might see a little Hansel and a bit of Gretel. And we will keep coming back to Snow White and Charming – their story has so many twists and turns, you’re going to want to watch for that. Will true love find a way? Actually, that’s kind of a theme for me right now – Husbands and Once – both are about the Triumph of True Love. Awww!
Oh, I like the preview they made for my episode -- watch in two weeks to see Robert Carlyle as The Beast. There's kissing in it!
@JaneEspenson As much as I love your work, I'm not yet sold on mixing Rumple and Beast. Hoping Robert sells it.

Jane Espenson
@Adam1984_ Oh, wait until you see it. Mmmmm.
@JaneEspenson ok, I'm confused - Rumplesiltskin is also the Beastly prince? That soesn't seem right somehow...??

Jane Espenson
@Shadesiren Or is it so wrong that it's extra right?
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