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Old 01-18-2012, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Slayerfan714 (View Post)
Wel, hate to be the bearer of bad news but there was an extended promo that aired of both SAB and JBD and in there is a D/E kiss and it's a new one. And there's a shot of Emmett looking mad, so I'm guessing they kiss and Daphne tells Bay, hence the "She's not the person you think she is" to Regina. Damn.

I think that's really sucky. I mean yeah stuff happens but to kiss someone when you're in a relationship and it's not the first time with that person you need to reevaluate what you're doing. It's not fair to the person you're with. I was hoping it was maybe a daydream but in the context of the rest of the promo it with Bay being upset, I think it's real.

Poor Bay

To be honest, I feel bad for Bay.

She has been the BEST girlfriend for Emmett. And he never even told her about the FIRST kiss with Daphne. He should have told her about that. She deserved to know. Just like she also deserved to know that Daphne spent the night with Emmett in that tent. YES, nothing happened. But you have to have honesty.

And with YET another Daphne and Emmett kiss, I'm just kind of disliking how they are writing his character right now. He gets upset with Bay over every little thing. Even though she did not do anything wrong.

I feel like SHE is making more of an effort to make their relationship work. And it's unfair.

1.) When Daphne confessed her feeling for Emmett, he was as much involved in the kiss as she was. And the kiss only stopped after while! Even though he was officially with Bay in a relationship.

2.) He never told Bay about what happened.

3.) Instead, he kind of went off on her, saying that she'll never understand who he is...etc. When Bay explained that she is trying to learn sign language, and that it's hard.

4.) In the concert episode, he got angry at her when she told the other guy that he was deaf. When all she did was worry about his safety. The guy wanted to beat him up. So Bay defended him like she would ANYONE she cares about. SHE went up to him later to apologize. Again, I don't think she had to apologize to him...she did what she thought would help.

5.) In the recent new episode, he ignored her phone calls/texts. Didn't really speak with her all because he had a dislike for "hearing" people during that time. And I GET it. But I just don't think it's fair. He saw/talked with Daphne just fine because she is also deaf. Bay had to KEEP calling/texting him, asking about Daphne about him, coming to see him TWICE! When finally, later on, he came out to see her.

In other words, I need to see Emmett treat Bay the way he treated her BEFORE episode 10. He was AMAZING to her. Helping her with finding her father and being there after she found out Regina knew about her...That was a SWEET and trusting Emmett.

Then, I feel like in episode 10 and afterward, there was a shift. Yes, I do appreciate the episode in which he defended her to his mom. But he was mostly upset that his mother did not believe he could make decisions/choices on his own.

Anyway, I just feel like Bay deserves better treatment from Emmett. That's all. I'm still a HUGE HUGE fan of them. I just feel like the writers are giving Emmett some bad characteristics.

"I will not let anything happen to you."
Walter and Paige

credit for the icon: Chiara G
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