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Old 01-11-2012, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by IceKat055 (View Post)

I just love your imagination Kat.

Originally Posted by lunas_borednow (View Post)
Oh no I think Jaime would make sure to impress on them that no matter how good in theory incest seems it's never a good idea in the long run.
No matter how good in theory, yeah, that's what the Targaryens also thought. Didn't pay off for them either.

Maybe he will make sure of it, but first of all the babys have to be born.

Originally Posted by lunas_borednow (View Post)

"Son, I know it may be tempting to look at her and think she is part of you, but if you do that before long you'll be finding out she's slept with everyone in Kingslanding while you were in prisoned, and not even from her, no no she wont tell you the truth, you'll have to hear it from your patricidal brother. You understand?"
"Jaime stop trying to impress twisted life lessons on the babies, wait until they can at least talk!"
Who knows, maybe he will say so.

I don't know why, but I hope if they're going to have babies, that they will raise them in Tarth. It seems like a friendly place, far away from the events in Westeros especially Kingslanding.
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