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Old 12-11-2011, 01:53 PM
intoxicated dreamer
Master Fan

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Joined: Jul 2009
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Welcome to Milkland

Sing with us the national anthem:

Damon and Elena PWN you all
Whether you are short or tall
So sing with us the DE song


DEx on the sofa, DEx on the stairs
They’re so hot, they sizzle your face
Every time and every place

And a pigeon flew down from the heavens and said:

Then made the Ten Commandments for DE shippers across the land:
1. Thou shall worship Damon/Elena at all times.
Even when eating - you eat that rice like Damon/Elena touched it with their beauty.
2. Thou shall be free to be naked on the thread.
If time calls for it don't resist, let yourself be free.
3. Thou shall have at least fifty seven shrines in your house
At least twenty nine should be of Damon/Elena. The rest should be of Ian Somerhalder's ass.
4. Thou shall stalk Ian Somerhalder and take naked pictures of him.
5. Thou should be prepared to go to jail for stalking.
6. Thou shall drink milk at all times.
7. Every Friday thou shall ride on a cow and shout "DAMON AND ELENA FOREVAHHHH BIIIIITCHES" to passers by.
8. Thou shall take a shot every time Damon/Elena are Damon/Elena-ish.

Yes bitches we be drunk all the time.
9. Thou shall move out and live in Milkland in a house made out of a cheese wheel.
10. Thou shall worship the pigeon for he is our savior.

We could talk for hours if we had to enumerate all the reasons why Damon & Elena are the most amazing pairing ever.
So I will just say that I love them so much because they have the best chemistry I have ever seen on screen in my life.
I also love that they didn't come easy, that Elena have known him first for his bad sides and decided to forgive him and now she's discovering the good part of him too.
I love that they don't have to lie to each other, they can show themself to the other as they really are.
And I know this is the basis of any good relationship. They have the best build-up and it is very important in a couple, especially with them.
They don't rush anything.
They're real.
~ Pauline
They have an undeniable chemistry and a undeniable je ne sais quoi.
There’s something there that neither of them can really put their
finger on.
Nina Dobrev

There are so many reasons why I love Damon and Elena that it's impossible to list them all.
Firstly, there's the amazing and undeniable chemistry Ian and Nina have that makes their scenes so natural and full of sexual tension.
Then there's the fact that they're only truly themselves when they're around each other.
She brings out his humanity and kindness and makes him want to be someone better simply by believing in him, something no one else had ever done before.
And in turn, he helps her let loose and brings out that fun, fiery and passionate side of her like no one else does.
They reveal the best in each other and understand one another without even needing words.
They have the chemistry, the connection, the build up, and that's why Damon and Elena are the real OTP of the series.~ Rita

"I know, I get it, I understand."
Damon and Elena have such a rare and intense chemistry, everything about them is so brand new.
I enjoy their relationship mainly because both bring out sides of each other that aren't shown often.
Around Damon, Elena is carefree and isn't constantly worrying.
She has this glow on her every time Damon is around.
Elena brings out Damon's humanity and she's the only one who can really see through him for who he truly is.
Their subtle glances and caring gestures make up for the words they don't speak.
When it comes to Damon and Elena, you're always in for a surprise.
Every scene is a treat and it only leaves you wanting more.
I know for sure that this is one journey I'm truly enjoying and it's only the beginning.
~ Amber
He reached a place, because of his feelings for Elena, thinking that,
for the very first time in his life that he has a home. And he’s setting
up roots. And he found himself protecting what he held dear at the
end of last season.
Kevin Williamson
When I read the books, I always was a DE shipper inside.
But I didn't think that I would be such a big shipper until the show started.
No one can deny the spark that they both have, because even if they aren't in a relationship, they still have something.
Elena understands Damon; she can see that there's more to him that meets the eye.
And Damon, in return, gets Elena more than she can imagine.
My favorite character is Damon and to see how much humanity comes out of him because of Elena, it warms my heart.
They understand each other and the development of their relationship is what makes it even stronger every time.
I believe that more exciting things will come with these two soon enough because there's so much chemistry, sexual tension and understanding...
which will grow into something more.
~ Moni8
But Elena, she’s so disarming. She’s so hauntingly beautiful and
sweet that I think it sort of levels Damon.
Ian Somerhalder

Damon and Elena are everybody's guilty pleasure.
I think what its so enticing about these two its that they are the true definition of 'Forbidden'.
Elena seems to be Damon's forbidden fruit and he can't help but get it at any costs, he isn't afraid to push people's way to get what he wants,
and this passion he has its what will bring him to fall in love without ever realizing it.
Its not the typical sweet, cheesy love, its raw, cruel and fierce its what makes them this passionate.
Elena is drawn to Damon, but she's afraid of this feeling, this connection between the two, that's why she doesn't get any closer,
she knows with Damon everything is dangerous, so she takes the easy highway, cause she's afraid of the feelings that come out once with Damon,
this fierce passion she gets while with him is a different feeling, and she doesn't know whether to fear it or embrace it.
Damon, on the other hand isn't a suicidal lover, he won't die if he doesn't get Elena finally by his side,
he would just keep fighting for her, harder and harder, this is way Damon and Elena will never be easy, its the kind of love that kills, and yeah...
I'll quote Spike 'they'll fight and they'll shag, and they'll hate each other till it makes them both quiver, cause love isn't brains, its blood'.
~ Claudia
Damon and Elena are known as Twin Flames, which means:
"Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul."
We all have only one twin, the other half that completes you in every way possible.
I found these words to be very powerful and true when it comes to Damon and Elena.
These two balance each other out, bringing out feelings within themselves that they have chose to keep locked away.
Apart, Elena can be serious and have the ability to take too much upon herself.
Damon on the other hand can be fun, yet dark, and evil, suppressing his human half.
Together, they balance each other out, Elena making Damon more human and Damon making Elena let go and just be herself.
Damon and Elena are two halves of a whole and that has been proven many times over the course of the show as well as the books, and for that,
it is why my attraction is so strong, a pull and a force that can only get stronger. ~ Ashley (toxicgurl169)
We’ll see him have an evolution of feelings for her.
Julie Plec

"It matters, and you know it."
Damon has that bad-boy quality, and every girl likes a bad boy, at
the end of the day
Nina Dobrev
Why do I love Damon and Elena?
There are many reasons why I love them.
The probably most important reason would be the chemistry between these two.
This undeniable chemistry that is real and intense.
Nina and Ian also have a special chemistry and they transfer it to Damon and Elena on the show, which lead to incredible moments between them.
Another reason why I love them is that Damon behaves differently towards Elena.
Damon shows her his humanity.
He doesn't show this to other people.
I just love those meaningful looks between them, Elena's lip staring and the faith they have in each other.
Even if Damon kills more people, Elena will see the true Damon.
She will soon see that she loves him.
Their feelings for each other will grow slowly and at some point they will explode.
They belong together.
~ Natalie (bluestar_Nater)
Damon and Elena are a very intoxicating couple: they can leave you breathless just by one look.
That type of fiery passion stems from the roots of Ian/Nina's chemistry.
Not only is it passionate and intense but it's such a natural chemistry that it makes their relationship so believable.
When the show started we saw Damon as this bad-ass guy who didn't really care for anything but himself but over time
we have come to see that deep down inside he still has some humanity left.
Elena is the reason for this: it started off as Damon just remembering his feelings for Katherine; so we knew he was capable of love.
But over time he started to see her for who she was completely: Just Elena.
And that was enough for him.
He looked past her appearance saw something inside of her which made him want to protect and fight and care for the people who mean something to him.
And through this change in Damon, Elena found a friend and a savior.
We are so lucky to have such an amazing build-up because they're not rushing into anything:
they're taking their time, savoring every moment, every touch, every look.
It's only the beginning but I believe their story will be one of the greats.
~ Laura

Elena specifically keeps finding her way into his heart and that
Really messes with his mojo
Julie Plec

Damon and Elena are pure fire.
That's what makes me think about them.
They have this connection and this sexual tension that sooner or later will explode! I really enjoy their build-up.
It's slow but in a really good way.
Little by little Elena learned to know and understand Damon and she ended-up caring about him.
On the other side, Damon learned to trust Elena and love her.
After more than a century he decided to trust her.
She's the only one that ever try to understand him and that show him love.
I think they complete each other and can be themself together.
There's something so strong and undeniable between them.
You can feel it every time they're around each other.
Ian and Nina are doing an amazing job with them and they've so much chemistry.
It's like WOW!
They are always able to touch me in every their scene.
~ Silvia (Peyton89)
I think she’d be crazy – Damon is so dangerous, does all the wrong
things, acts from a selfish place. But, and I know this is going to
sound contradictory, but the only time you ever see Damon acting
remotely human is around Elena.
Ian Somerhalder
"Somewhere along the way,
you decided that I was worth saving.

I’m always entertained by the possibility. Elena and Damon have
fun together. It’s fun to watch them together because they do
have a rapport in the way they play.
Nina Dobrev

I believe it is impossible to not love DE if one loves the characters of Damon and Elena both as they bring out what is best in each other and make the other one grow.
All great love stories, of the kind that are the most memorable, are of couples who need to work at it to finally end up together.
They face many obstacles, from third parties intervening to their own making -their fears, stubbornness, self-worth issues-…
But after all the struggle, both inner and outer, they finally grow, both as characters and a couple to reach a
point where it is time to open themselves to one another completely and claim the other as their true eternal mate.
And that is the moment everyone has been waiting for.
That is the moment the whole story has been building for.
Every obstacle in their way was there to bring them a step closer to one another, to add more meaning to their story, to make it even more memorable, more striking.
And DE is made of that kind of greatness.
Theirs is the story that already managed to strike something special in a lot of people.
Theirs is the relationship that gets lots of build-up and intrigues and moves everyone one way or another and has them talking.
They are THE couple of the show that everyone responds to.
DE is the couple who has a story that needs and deserves to be told and TVD is telling that story.
~ Schumiac

Damon and Elena have amazing potential.
Their chemistry is absolutely undeniable.
Immediately when they met they had an understanding of each other and their friendship has grown.
Elena is the only person to bring out Damon's humanity, which you can see by how much he cares for her and fiercely protects her.
Elena is drawn to Damon and she is realizing how much she needs him in her life.
Their connection has grown strong and will only get stronger over time. They have had a fantastic buildup and their story can only get better as their feelings develop further.
~ Amanda (Empty_Handed)

Think about it, it’s romantic comedy 101 – they have to hate each
other first, and that will eventually turn itself inside out. But
whether or not it’s this season or next season, we’ll have to wait
and see.
Kevin Williamson
I guess I have to say that I ship DE mostly cause of the build up they are having.
I can't say when I start to ship them, it was something that it just happened.
They have such an awesome chemistry.
They are definitely one of the kind.
It's mind blowing to see them interact, to see them getting closer and learning that they can fall back on each other when they need.
To see them realizing that they care about each other and that they can even possibly fall in love with each other is a journey that you really don't want to miss.
~ Renata (miss_salvatore)
Elena brings out the good in Damon and in many ways Damon brings
out the good in Elena. I think sometimes the people who do that to you,
you often have the most complicated relationships with.
Ian Somerhalder

Damon&Elena are EPIC.
I love them because they understand each other on a level that no one else does.
Elena brings out Damon's humanity but it hasn't been an easy road.
It's a complicated love that blossomed from a rare friendship.
They both protect and save each other and are each others equals.
I love that their banter in the books is the same on-screen, funny, playful, and adorably cute!
Not only do they have the best conversations but in scenes where there are no words, it's just as powerful because their eyes speak for them.
Elena is both Damon's weakness and strength.
They both depend on each other more than they let on.
He shows her how to have fun while she remains the only person in his life who can genuinely make him smile.
His pain is her pain and her pain is his pain.
DE do not like it when the other is hurt and are there to support and help each other back up all the time, without question.
They just get each other.
They are one.
I love DE so much but even more because of Nian - they have INTENSE chemistry!
~ Melissa (Brucas <3)

- Elena to share blood with Damon in an intimate way.
- Damon to defend Elena to Katherine.
- Elena to develop feelings for Damon in season 3.
- DE piggy back ride.
- DE hug where Damon reciprocates.
- DE wall sex.
- Katherine confronting Damon about his feelings for Elena.
- Katherine provoking Elena to admit her feelings for Damon.
- Elena defending Damon.
- Blood exchange.
- Kitchen DEX.
- Forehead kiss.
- Definitely a shut-up-kiss needs to happen.
- Damon jealous, Elena noticing this.
- Damon biting Elena.
- Damon taking care of Elena.
- DE playing truth or dare.
- A real Kiss between Damon and Elena. Preferably Elena initiating it without any ulterior motives
- Elena and Damon admitting they have feelings for one another, either to someone else, or ideally, to each other.
- Damon killing Katherine to save Elena.
- Elena realizing her feelings for Damon.
- Damon and Elena saving each other in the show and afterward staying by each other's bedside,
worrying and showing how much they truly care about one another.
- Elena to admit Damon was right about what they have.
- Elena to discover the truth about Damon's confession in 2x08
- Almost kiss
- Foreheads touching

Future title suggestions:
All the best of what we’ve done is yet to come
Wake up look me in the eyes again; I need to feel your hand upon my face
How could you be so perfect for me?
A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes, and now it’s left me blind
No dawn, no day, I’m always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map and knew that somehow I could find my way back
It’s not my fault that I want to have it all with you, again you, ‘cause we’re the same
Haven't had someone to talk to, in such a long time. And it's strange, all we have in common
Somehow I feel I should apologize, cause I'm just a little shaken by what's going on inside
I should go, before my will gets any weaker, and my eyes begin to linger, longer than they should
I should go, before I lose my sense of reason. And this hour holds more meaning, than it ever could
It's so hard, keeping my composure, & pretend I don't see how your body curves beneath your clothes
I know I gotta take the noble path, cause I don't want you to question, the intentions that I have
Oh, I'll make it without you... It's my mouth that must be lying now
You could come and save me, try to chase it crazy right out of my head
I just wanna feel alive and get to see your face again
The sun is filling up the room & I can hear you dreaming. Do you feel the way I do right now?
I wish we would just give up cause the best part is falling
I will make sure to keep my distance, Say "I love you" when you're not listening.
I give you everything I am, all my broken heart beats
And I keep waiting, for you to take me. You keep waiting, to save what we have
Clouds will rage and storms will race in, but you will be safe in my arms.
There’s one way out and one way in, back to the beginning, there’s one way back to home again
There’s one way back to home again, to where I feel forgiven
Where do I begin? Can I shed this skin? What is this I feel within? It's only love
It’s all the things you can’t explain that make us human
I looked to you, you stole my life, but here it is the simple task, save me
You will find out, when you pull through, that I fought too
So take your time, close your eyes, I will be there, here with you
Skin is so pale I see through, bones are like glass, they won’t let me touch you
They may be right, there maybe some design, but I will wait for you
I am here to fight, for only love decides.
In the morning light, I will wake to find you, opening your eyes
I want you ... I need you ... I love you.
'Even in these precarious situations, the verbal sparring between them is really adorable & fun'Ian
'He wants Elena to be happy and he wants her to be safe...He's looking out for her' Ian
'He's got to protect this girl that he loves' Ian
'He mentions the kiss, illustrating that he definitely remembers it and it didn’t go unnoticed.'Ian
'They jab at each other, they have this fun banter.He makes her smile' Ian
'He makes her smile, it's great to see Elena smile.' Ian
'He’s her shoulder to cry on and he’s there for her.. which is really sweet, and nice.' Nina
'The writers have managed to breathe an attraction, a tension between Damon and Elena' Nina
'Delena. That's what we should call it. The fans made it, so we're gonna use their lingo too' Nina
'DE have an interesting dynamic; they've come to a level of mutual appreciation w/ each other.' JP
'They’re very close and getting closer. It’s a complicated relationship that they have.'JP
'There is definitely a road that can be traveled between DE in the life of the series' Julie Plec
'The dynamic between DE is getting more interesting b/c she is starting to realize her feelings for him.' Gather
She's grabbing him like he's her home & she knows she's going to be okay because he's there now
'He shows her how to get to a vampire's heart in what can only be called a shockingly steamy moment.' HitFix
'seeing them acting flirty drove Elena insane — and rightfully so.' HL
'I*told you guys*jealousy would rear it's ugly head. And isn't it glorious?' Zap2it
'Elena/Damon – See: the vampire anatomy lesson scene. That is all.' DaemonsTV
'an all too swoon-worthy Damon and Elena bedroom scene.' EW
'did you SEE that neck nuzzle Damon gave her at the end of their fake fight?' EW
'I love their phone call relationship!' EW
'Damon is there waiting for her. Let the swoonfest begin.' EW
'Elena seems to realize that she's not just describing Rebekah. She's describing Damon too.' EW
On DE sparring. 'I can't really explain why I love this scene so much, but I really, really do.' Zap2it
'There's a million tiny gestures, a gentle push and pull.' Zap2it
'Of. Course. I love their little postgame rendezvouses.' Zap2it
'Her complete comfort with him is so nice to see.' Zap2it
'Damon and Elena end up in bed together. Nice.' HL
'And the moment we've all been waiting for, or at least I have. At episode's end. Hooray!' BuzzSugar
No.1 scene of the episode. 'Delena IN BED TOGETHER.' Ology
'Then proceeds to give him "the eyes." You know what I'm talking about.' Ology
'Last, but definitely not least, we finally got a super adorable Delena scene.' AOL
'They share an incredibly cute moment. Cue Delena fan girl screams!' AOL
'*let’s take a moment to talk about Delena. Yes, I adore them.' SSS
'They have such a strong sexual tension in their scenes.' SSS
'didn’t you love how Damon fake bit at Elena’s neck like it was no big deal? he’s a giant puppy!' SSS
'Oh, be still my heart.* That last scene of the episode...' SocialiteLife
'You can feel the sexual tension, and all you want is for them to start kissing.' SocialiteLife
'This scene crackled with tension.' DigitalSpy
"Elena’s defenses are now so low that she does not view Damon as a threat, she can practically fall asleep in his arms." TVWatchTower
"DE relationship continued to evolve; they've become increasingly comfortable around each other"IGN
"I simply adore the way Elena turns out the light, while Damon is still in the room"TVRA

"I wanted it to be real."

Stripped - Luvinbigbrother
Momentum - LightningFair
Ride - SkateGirl88
What If - Catouroyx
X&Y - Flashingfly
Pride - Sparralex
Everything - Felicim
Down - Kirwani90
Gravity - October456
You Look So Fine - Dusted92
Undisclosed Desires - LizziehMarie
Run - Redblad
If Your Heart Wears Thin - Jojoharvelle
Sink or Swim - Lady586

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"I love you, Elena...
and it's because I love you, that... I can't be selfish with you,
and why you can't know this...

ღ ღ ღ

Latest update:
I'll be collecting favorite fics and videos for the OP up until around the 1475th Thread.
Start sending 'em in peeps! PM me:
Brucas <3 (Mel)

art: laura, andra, rosy, steph, sara, amanda, jules
also thanks to: lala, nina, nat, rita, nia, melissa, marie

Doctor ♥ Clara| Steph
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