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Old 11-11-2011, 07:35 AM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: May 2011
Posts: 569
I'm loving the activity in this thread!

So I watched it. Like you said, there was barely any J/R but I absolutely LOVED that she cursed at Ross in Italian (I speak Italian and I didn't even recognize the word, it must be a different dialect), and Joey nudged her as if saying "Good one" and how smug she looked.
Yes! It's a great episode. You can speak Italian? That's awesome! I don't, but my dad does. When I asked him about the cursing, he said it means "Go to Naples," so it's a watered down swear, but I guess they couldn't even say the really bad Italian version. Anyway, yes, I love their little look to each other right afterward; it's adorable.

Love the recap, starryeyes! The entire scene where Rachel tells her dream is hilarious - and yes, I am a little upset we didn't get to see it, Giana! We got some of Chandler's dream of all the women, so it would've only been fair to get some C/R/J love - and J/C, apparently XD I had to go back and check out that handholding bit in the episode. I never noticed that before, so that's another amazing catch!

Thanks again for the GIFs, Dimple! Love that scene in the last set you posted
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