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Old 11-10-2011, 07:26 AM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: May 2011
Posts: 569
You know, I was really surprised that Joey didn't think to ask one of them to partner Teager/Treeger in their dance lessons. It would certainly have helped stop him from getting them evicted. But then we wouldn't have gotten those hilarious scenes of Joey dancing, so I guess it's just as well.
Woah, that thought never crossed my mind! I guess since Joey was the one who nearly got them evicted, he was the one who had to make it up. Monica would've probably refused to do it, and Rachel was sore about being yelled at for a while, so she probably wouldn't have been comfortable as the dancing partner. You're right, if either woman had stepped up, it wouldn't be as funny. But that's still an interesting thought!

It is fantastic! I love that ep, so I will be back later with my thoughts on it! Enjoy
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