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Old 11-09-2011, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by kaleidoscope eyes (View Post)
aww thank you guys! that's very sweet. I'm going to have to wait til the weekend to see him but from what I was told he's doing well. They took him to the hospital right away and got him all bandaged up he only cried when it happened. brave little guy. He got a first degree burn on his face and 2nd degree burn on his arm.

He was goofing around in the kitchen and his mom was boiling water for coffee and he poured it on himself somehow.

awwww poor baby glad he's doing well at least

was gonna post whore here but I'm just too tired so I'm gonna go, ciao
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We’re just better human beings when with the person we’re supposed to be with. I wasn’t supposed to leave…
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