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Old 11-02-2011, 05:35 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Oct 2011
Posts: 243
Originally Posted by LuvLuke (View Post)
Yeah, I started at the digital spy forums but it was taken over by a group of S/B fanatics who love to bash M/M. Those kinds who bash M/M are seeing the world through a very weird set of glasses--so glad to be away from them! THIS is the place to be!
I hate bashing other people's ships but it is quite amazing how many people ship s/b - I mean even by the virtue of screen time they are not the "hero" and "heroine" of the series. Mathew and Mary angst has been present from the moment they met - aren't they like "the couple to watch" out for in the show. Mary is also the most complex character in the show IMO - Sybil has only had some character dev. in series 2.
I am quite surprised that apart from this thread there is not a lot of M/M stuff out there. I can understand when people say they don't ship M/M - to each his own- but to claim to be bored by it is something beyond me.
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