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Old 10-20-2011, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by QueenBee (View Post)

bring it back from the other thread

I'm starting to believe Louis family is spying on Blair. And changed the results of te DNA test (a la Gerogina)
Louis seemed more shocked then happy. And the ''I told the magazine I didn't want kids to protect you'' is pure BS.
You don't have to lie to protect anyone, just say ''we're going to wait a bit to have kids'' And I hardly think Blair would be on a ''baby bump watch''.

The fact he got upset over something that would've happened BEFORE he stalked followed Blair to NY is ridic. Yet he wasn't upset when Blair ditched him and spent the entire night MIA, arriving with Chuck with a very ''I did something naughty'' look on her face.
So IMO now he is looking for a scape goat, but doesn't have the balls to just go ''I can't have children, so you cheated on me'' probably because of the scandle of him a ''prince'' being cheated on and because what mommy would say.
This whole thing is fake, its a set up. Louis Can't have children he need's to just come out and admit he is sterile and move on, They would have had to have had the results switched, there is a lot of lying going on and it all involves the the soon to be couple and his family!

In the picture below he has the Im lying look!
Never let him see the damage. And never ever let him see you age. He doesn't like endings. - River Song
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