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Old 10-20-2011, 03:28 AM
L i N d $ @ y
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You're not really behind on it Theresa - time zones suck! Most especially for me.

I like the episode. Although I think some of the stories felt flat to me but overall I like it. (and when did I not like an episode anyway?)

Claire, Mitch & Cam

I absolutely love the storyline of Claire having a time for herself. I think she deserves it so I was with her, I wanted her to go out there and party! So I was a little sad Mitch & Cam wanted to have a pot pie dinner instead of going out to a bar and getting drunk. Knowing Mitch & Cam, they're always up for that. So I was happy to see Claire letting loose (Claire + wine = I ship it sometimes). She was up for anything and even spent the rest of the night with Julian, Longines' straight trainor. I wouldn't have guessed he's straight too. If it hadn't been for Luke's call, I wonder how else the night would have gone? Meanwhile, Mitch & Cam will clearly not have a quiet night as they were mistakenly given the wrong key so they were driving home at someone else's car. I was laughing when they got attacked by the woman with the bat.

Jay, Gloria & Manny

I think I found Jay really funny in this ep: his reactions, his lines, Ed's delivery, everything. I love that it showed Manny's wish to be taller, doesn't everyone want to be tall? And Jay getting a little curious and then to the point that he needed to talk to the helper about Fire & Ice, Gloria's favorite soap. He was like half watching the show and half listening to Gloria worry about Manny. That Jay-Manny moment in the end, however short was sweet. He will not step out of the room and make Manny feel embarrassed for what he did, he will boost his ego and help him through it. Gloria worrying for Manny is a natural mother instinct but sometimes it also worries me. What if Manny's a teenager and he will be soon, she can't always worry about him so it will be interesting to see Gloria let go of Manny in future eps.

Phil & Haley

My favorite part of the entire episode. Of course Phil will be excited to visit his alma mater. And we see Phil's high jump! After all he is a cheerleader. It was also hilarious when they were eating those chicken or was it buffalo wings and it was like this like father like daughter moment that I loved. I was even more impressed with Haley for enjoying the college experience and behaving while Phil was hanging out with some undergrad boys. That entire scene of them and Phil telling Haley that he wanted to protect her and that he always will broke me, it made me teary-eyed and I remembered the ep where Phil was advising Haley about her break-up with Dylan in s2. Yeah, Phil is a big goof-off and is probably more childish than Haley about this entire college experience but having heard him say that, I'm glad he was around to be there for her and experience it with her and then maybe Haley will enjoy & look forward to college because of what her dad taught her. It's not everyday that a father would take his time out to bring his daughter to his college and show her around.

I'm going offlline in a while and I will re-watch this ep again. I can't believe I'd be tearing up watching this ep though.

Let's go on a clumsy cute bestie trip!
Already miss our days in Cloud Planet.

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