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Old 10-09-2011, 08:43 AM
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I wish there was a way to save one of them, like having all the judges getting a vote to save one of the four acts chosen by the judges but not being able to vote to save their own.

I suppose the problem is is that then having been chosen by their mentor to go if they are then saved then that could be rather difficult.

I don't understand why they keep trying to have these different twists every year, they are just silly. I also think they miss the point that this is people's lives they are playing with, they are effectively giving these acts an opportunity and then taking it away just like that.

I agree about 2 Shoes, but although I know it shouldn't matter about one of them being pregnant, I think some would say it's easier if she picks them to go because then they don't have to worry about that etc. Obviously that shouldn't be the reason and I'm sure Tulisa will make her decision based on talent and who she thinks has the most potential. I found Nu Vibe dull and I didn't like Rythmix.
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