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Old 09-29-2011, 01:26 AM
Passionate Fan

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crapping all over them time and time again ?
Time and time again ? Could you elaborate ? I know she picked cheerleading over glee club temporarily but she hasn't bashed the club since early season 1. There's a difference between leaving the club and "crapping" on it I think. Didn't she manipulate Sue into giving them space in the yearbook, she was part of the bakesale to raise money for Artie. This is the one time Quinn lashed out at Will , I'm not sure why he reacted like it was a regular thing.

And he's not her friend. He's her teacher, he's placed there to take care of the kids. Like Johanna said, if he was angry about the piano or whatever, he had to take her to the principal. This isn't a life and death situation for him to lose his **** like that. He wasn't just not helping her, he was also being unprofessional. Teens are meant to respect their teachers in theory but that's never how it works. It's a turbulent time for most teens and a lot of good teachers (the kind we're lead to believe Will is) don't take their outbursts this personally.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don;t think we know for certain that Quinn was aware of Terri faking being pregnant. She knew Terri wanted the baby but did she know that Terri was going to pass it off as her own ? I could have missed something, I don't know.

Last edited by CreekBee; 09-29-2011 at 01:37 AM
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