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Old 09-23-2011, 10:43 PM
Master Fan

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Joined: Mar 2009
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Well, I went out and bought the soundtrack. It was the last one in the store.
I am soo excited, I cant wait to listen to it.


Review: Taylor Lautner Gives ‘Abduction’ Plenty Of Punch

C’mon admit it. It’s fun to see an actor branch out beyond his “comfort zone.” For the past three years, we’ve seen Taylor Lautner do nothing but brood in the never-ending stream of Twilight flicks. But with this week’s Abduction movie, he’s getting to flex his action chops and he actually pulls it off rather well.

Granted Taylor has quite a competent cast to back him up. Abduction features the established talents of Sigourney Weaver, Harry Potter’s Jason Isaacs, and, one of our personal faves, Alfred Molina. It’s also got a very skilled auteur in the director’s seat, namely Boyz N The Hood’s John Singleton.

But the true star of this movie is Lautner, going through the motions of rage, fear, and sadness as he watches his world turn upside down. Taylor plays the role of Nathan Price, a seemingly normal teen who soon discovers he was “abducted” as a child.

Mixing a nice bit of mystery and suspense, Abduction lets the audience share in Nathan’s confusion. After seeing his picture on a missing kids website, this seemingly all-American teen has to reevaluate his normal parents and the entire life he knew.

Was he really kidnapped? Are the people who raised him secretly evil? And could there be even more nefarious characters looking to get their hands on the secrets Nathan holds? That’s the premise that sets this movie on a fast-paced adventure across speeding trains, massive explosions, and an epic grand finale at Pittsburgh’s PNC Park.

Obviously we don’t want to give too much away, other than to say that Abduction is a fun thriller that’s sure to appeal to Twilight fans and action movie buffs alike. Sure Lautner is no Shakespearean thespian, but he does a great job beating up bad guys and could have a solid future in the shoot-em-up genre.

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