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Old 09-20-2011, 12:29 AM
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Originally Posted by jade86 (View Post)
I have another theory about Peter's disappearance!

The key is "i understand now".

In these 3 seasons Peter was always in search of answers and he knew that the only persons that could help him were the observers! Everytime he said "i understand now" something happened in his life. The last time he said that was right after he stepped out from the machine. He understood many things in that moment and then he vanished because he was starting to change in a "spiritual" way, so he couldn't stay with the others and now he doesn't exist anymore for them because he's now a more important being! And the observers know that!
This is why the observers said "he served his purpose" and "they can never know the boy grew into a man"
That's a very interesting take on the situation, and it will be interesting to see if this was what the writers had in mind. Although I don't quite buy it. First of all, the way Peter disappeared looked more like being 'zapped away' than ascending to a higher plane. And then, when he said 'I understand now' he went on to say 'I understand what the machine does'. Which was to pull him forward into the future so that he would see the repercussions of destroying the Other Side and not make the same mistake twice. But I may be wrong. Only three more days until we finally get some answers!
Name: Andrea
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