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Old 09-15-2011, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Hamburgo1001 (View Post)
Yeah, I have no doubt that SR would have continued to throw more ambiguous Erica/Jack scenes into the plot line even if nothing would have ever come of it. He was simply too obsessed with the idea to let go of it completely. And what do you think? Was ABC also the reason why the season 1 scene where Jack told Erica that "he's been in love before" was cut and never made it to air? I kinda tend to think so.
Oh sure. Makes me wonder why if ABC had the common sense to cut/axe that stuff - why didn't they use it to yet again, get a new showrunner?! Wishful thinking now, I know.

Wow, I actually had the same idea. I think we either would have seen a scenario play out where Hobbes gets killed by dark!Erica or she ends up turning her back on him and successfully leaves him behind to die when he's stuck in a life-threatening situation or, like you suggested, Jack would have taken out Hobbes and died afterwards from his injuries. Considering that the third scenario would have been the soapiest and most pointless one of them all, that's probably the one we would have ended up with. I also wouldn't be surprised if Jack's heroic death would have then been used as the thing that "saves" Erica from her dark path and opens her up for whoever guy was supposed to come afterwards.
I definitely vote for the third scenario myself. It would be the most pointless and isolated away from the human/V conflict as you can get!!!
RIP Luke Perry: 1966-2019

Brenda❤Dylan Fan ~ You’ll look back years from now, and I’ll just be another girl you knew in high school. DYLAN: No you won’t. No you won’t, Bren. Not after everything.
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