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Old 09-03-2011, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by WeBuiltThePyramids (View Post)
I don't hate Priya, I definitely want her gone, but most of my anger toward her was that she kept Penny from hanging out with the guys, (and I'll never be happy that she missed the engagement) but with her back in India, that problem is probably gone. Saying you want her killed off is a little harsh, though.

I personally love buildup, which I guess is like saying I like will they or won't they...but for me my favorite parts of some relationships are the stuff that happens when they aren't together, but we can go to the L/P thread to talk about that. I don't want fans of other ships to feel they can't post their S5 wishes here if we start discussing L/P too much. But as for a S5 wish, I definitely want to hear her say the L word.

And I kinda want some Priya/Raj scenes, but I doubt we'll get those.
haha. Just a little harsh? I thought i was way too harsh, But i was just going with the flow. She needs to be out of the picture forever, is what ill stick with. haha.

I had no issue with priya till she got jealous and wanted no more penny.
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