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Old 09-03-2011, 10:56 AM
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If you could have one thing happen in season five, what would it be?
I want to see more nerd things about the guys! That's a strong point of this show, they should take advantage this thing, 'cause when they do that... TBBT explodes! Is so fun...
A lot of things I think it would be, but this, principally.

Do you want Howard and Bernadette to get married? Do you think they will?
Yes, I want them to get married. Seems complicated but they can overcome much things, they will.

Do you think Penny and Raj slept together? Why or why not? (No spoilers.)
Actually, I don't know. I would say yes, but don't definitely.

What do you think the 100th episode will be about?
It's a special episode, may be in that episode will be present Beverly and Sheldon's mother. It would be great.

What do you think Bill meant by "however you felt about it, you'll be happy with how it was resolved?"
I thought solve the Penny/Raj dilema was hard. With this, I think they did the best for that conflict.
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